Birth to Six MonthsSix Months to Five YearsFive to Eight YearsEight to Eleven YearsEleven to Nineteen Years Physical
•Develops own rhythm in feeding.
•Sleeping, and eliminating.
•Begins to grasp objects.•Learns to let go with hands. •Puts everything in mouth.
•Begins to feed self with a spoon and can hold a cup.
•Runs, kicks, climbs, throws a ball
•Scribbles in circles
•Is very active and consistently on the go.•Has unpredictable preferences and strong refusals •May develop nervous habits or assume awkward positions, e.g. sitting upside down on the couch, constant foot tapping.•Is busy and active and has frequent accidents. •Has good body control and is interested in developing strengths, skills, and speed, likes more complicated crafts and work related tasks. •Motor skills are well-developed•Boys are ahead of girls in endurance and muscular development. Rapid growth may mean large appetite but less energy. •Is concerned with appearance.
•Has essentially completed physical maturation, physical features are shaped and defined. Intellectual
•Coos and vocalizes spontaneously. Babbles in syllables. •learns through senses•Likes to hear objects named. Begins to understand such familiar words as eat, Mama, bye-bye. •Uses three to four word sentences.
•Has insatiable curiosity; talks incessantly; asks innumerable questions. •Knows colours and numbers.•Begins to have organized, continuous memories.
•most children learn to read and write, although some don’t until after age 7. •Enjoys hobbies and skills. Likes to collect things and talk about personal projects, writings, and drawings.•Likes reading, writing, and using books and references. •Is alert, poised, and concerned with fads and begins to argue logically.•Challenges adult knowledge, has increased ability to use logic. •Needs to feel important in world and to believe in something •Seriously concerned about the future and beginning to integrate knowledge leading to decisions about future. Social
•Imitates movements. Gazes at faces. Smiles to be friendly •Likes to be held, played with, tickled, and jostled.•Will start to imitate behaviour of others. •Is possessive of own things.
•Starts to be more interested in others, begins group play, and likes company. Is not ready for games or competition, groups are not well formed. •Likes to imitate adult activities, has good imagination
•Relies less on physical aggression, is learning to share, accept rules, and take turns.•In school, may develop problems if expectations are too high, has trouble concentrating, may fool around, whisper, or bother other children. •May use aggression as a means to solve problems.
•Starts division of sexes (girls play with girls/boys with boys).•Makes new friends easily. • Works at establishing good two way relationships and develops close friend of own sex. •Considers clubs and groups important, enjoys school and doesn’t like to be absent, and tends to talk more about it.•Is critical of adults and is obnoxious to live with. •Needs less family companionship and interaction.
•Relationships with parents range from friendly to hostile. Emotional
•Shows excitement through waving arms, kicking, wiggling.
•Shows pleasure in anticipation of being fed or picked up.
•Is learning trust, needs to know that someone will provide care and meet needs.
•Often tests people to see who can be controlled.•If not the winner, often makes accusations that others are cheating. •May not respond promptly or hear directions
•May argue and resist requests and instructions, but will obey eventually. •Is becoming very independent, dependable, and trustworthy. •Likes privacy.•Anger is more common and resents being told what to do him/her rebels at routines. •Worries about grades, appearance, and popularity.
•Needs the warmth, security and attention of a special adult. •Begins to
know right from wrong.•Is interested in being good, but may tell untruths or blame others for wrongdoings because of intense desire to please and do right.•More concerned with what is wrong than what is right. •Has strong urge to conform to peer-group morals.
•Is concerned about fair treatment of others. •Is confused and disappointed about discrepancies between stated values and actual behaviors of family and friends