In my opinion, academic integrity is an intellectual challenge that you face in your academic work is to exceed what you studied in your textbook, in lecture, and in library – to assess, rethink, synthesize, and make you yourself information, data, and concept that you find out your source. Largest satisfaction academic work come from making something that original, genuine, and new material that you have studied in your courses and found in your research. Doing works original is that most challenging, but also that most satisfying. Moreover, the ‘Harvard System of Referencing to avoid?
Plagiarism’ changes the way I did my 1st English assignment and I will apply it to my studies because it makes it become so easy for tutor to check my sources in case they are interested, by telling the reader the author’s last name, the year his book was published and the page number they can find the information on. Besides that, to make sure the reader is really able to find the information I include a bibliography at the end of my paper, which says exactly where they can find the book itself. The referring to my source material gives authority for me to work and demonstrates the breadth of your research.
It is important to stick to the laws of academic integrity because I can avoid academic dishonesty including cheating and illegal material on the tests, recycling your own work without recognition. For example, submitting the same paper for different classes; design or make up information resources; cooperation profanity, and plagiarism. In the other hand, all action very spirit of academic dishonesty violates university: They erode the criminal’s own learning, they are not fair to the students who do their own work, they violate the trust between professors and students, and they reduce the value of the degree for all students.
Last but not least, academic integrity will play a role in any ways in my future working life. This is because developing integrity is important in this course precisely. Due to that, integrity is important in all areas of life. If we don’t have integrity in small things, if we find it possible to justify plagiarism, cheating, or shoddy work in areas that do not seem important to us now, how will we resist doing the same in areas that really do matter?
For example, what will happen when money might be at stake, or the possibility of advancement, or our esteem in the eyes of others? You will almost certainly find yourself in ethically charged situations when you leave here. Whether it will be the temptation to eat hours to make yourself look better, the client who wants you to do something really gray on their tax return, or opportunity to fudge your expense account—these and countless other situations may arise.
You need to have developed and practiced personal integrity ahead of time so that when these situation arise you recognize the ethical dilemma and have trained yourself to make the ethical choice. You will not suddenly do the right thing when you get into these situations if you have made a practice of compromising your integrity in other decisions. In fact, if you haven’t started to make yourself aware of these issues in advance you might not even recognize situations as ethical dilemmas.