Negative effects of Marijuana Marijuana is the least harmful drug, but it does have negative health effects. Though moderate users of marijuana are taking less risks than a moderate tobacco smoker or alcohol consumer. Negative effects of marijuana include confusion, acute panic reactions, anxiety attacks, paranoia, a sense of helplessness, and loss of self control. Chronic marijuana users might develop an a motivational syndrome, which the users motivation decreases making them lazy. People with psychiatric disorders are at a higher risk for adverse psychiatric effects when using marijuana, but marijuana itself does not cause psychiatric effects. When a person is under the influence of marijuana, they tend to perform poorly in auditory functions.
Heavy users of marijuana can continue to have defects in cognitive effects to up to one day of abstinence. Moderate users of marijuana have little or no cognitive defects after the high wears off. While a person is under the influence of marijuana, they have reduced psychomotor performance. THC increases and decreases different types of immune system cells, but after alot of research there is no proof that it either weakens or strengthens the immune system.
Marijuana can distrib the cell function of the body therefore people with weak immune systems should avoid marijuana. Smoking marijuana increases the users risk of respiratory illness, though if you have been smoking marijuana for more than 10 years your not at a great risk, but if the user has been smoking for less than 10 years they are at great risk.