Opening: Discovering and forming one’s sexual identity is a focal point of adolescence. A Teenagers decision about sexuality are influenced by all factors such as love, substance abuse, poverty, family, sexual abuse, racism and religion. A study in the United states done by Dan Habib says, everyday, three thousand teenagers becomes pregnant. Eighty percent of young Americans have intercourse before they turn twenty, and thousands of people in their twenties are dying after having contracted HIV as teens. With media playing such an important role in the lives of today’s teens, it is no wonder that many of the messages about teen sexuality come directly from the media. Prime time T.
V is now a target for sexuality themes. A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than half of all television programs, excluding the news, sporting events, and children’s programming, contained sexual content, incorporating an average of more than three scenes per hour and Less than 10% of the programs with sexuality themes incorporated any reference to the consequences of sexual activity. Another study by the same group found that teens believe that the media have some influence over their sexual decisions. The study found that three out of four 15-17 year olds indicated that sexual content on TV influences the behavior of their peers. Teens also say they think portrayals of teen sex on television and in the movies is one of several possible factors affecting teen sexual activity. It is clear that more and more teens and pre-teens are becoming sexually active before they are ready.
They are having sex because they think it is right thing to do, if they love someone, and also because of heavy exposure to the media, which shows sexually permissive attitudes and behaviors. According to a recent survey, 80% of boys and 70% of girls are not longer virgins by the age 18 and over 3, 000 teenagers contract sexually transmitted diseases each year. It is very clear that teen sexuality is on the rise. Here are some points about sexual content on T. V. Two out of every three shows on TV include sexual content.
an increase from about half of all shows during the 97/98 television season. The most widely viewed shows-those airing in primetime on the major networks-are even more likely to include sexual content. Sexual intercourse is depicted or strongly implied in one of every ten shows on TV. Of those instances of sexual intercourse either depicted or strongly implied, only half occurred among couples who had an established relationship with one another. Ten Percent involved couples who had just met.
Ten percent of all television programs contain sexual scenes that include any reference to the possible risks or responsibilities associated with sex, including pregnancy or STDs. Yet, shows that depict teens in sexual situations, especially those involved in sexual intercourse, are much more likely than other shows to include references to the possible uses or responsibilities of sexual activity. While eight percent of all shows contain sexual content involving teens, nearly 20 percent make some reference to waiting to have sex, safer sex or the risks of sexual activity. Two years ago, 3% of all characters involved in intercourse were teens, today that figured has jumped to 9%. According to a study prepared for the Kaiser Family Foundation, fifty hours of programming selected included 156 acts of sexual intercourse and only five references within three episodes to contraception or safer sex.
The only mention of HIV/AIDS referred to contraction through IV drug use and not sexual activity. 76 percent of teens said that one reason young people have sex is because TV shows and movies make it seem normal for teens. In another Kaiser Family Foundation study, most children aged 11 to 13 and some children aged 8 to 10 understood the sexual content, even the jokes about sex. Older adolescents in one study tended to mimic the sexual themes from the shows they watched. College students exposed to large amounts of sexual behaviors on television were more likely to believe that their peers engaged in those same activities. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Is having sex for the first time really a big deal, or is it just like other firsts — like driving or voting? What are some examples of a positive representation of relationships or sexuality on television or in the movies? What made it positive? How do talk shows represent sex and relationships? Do you think movies, TV, music, and advertising affects the decisions teenagers make about whether and when to become sexually active? Do you think teens / pre -teens are having sex or getting into relationships at an earlier age than they used to 10, 20, 30, or 40 years ago? Is it hard to postpone sex? At what age does the pressure to have sex become strong, and where do you think this pressure comes from? Why do you think so many kids become sexually active at a young age? Are drugs and alcohol a factor? Were did your expectations about sex come from? If you ” ve had sex, did it meet your expectations? At what age and in what social context do you think sexuality and AIDS education should begin? Closing: As you can tell, the media has played and is still playing a big part in today’s teen sexuality.
It is one of the biggest factors in deciding when to date, and when to have sex, plus it is also where teens get their ideas about what is attractive, what is feminine, what is masculine, what is sexy, and what is romantic. The media may tell teens when to have sex, but it doesn’t tell teens /young people how to make smart decision about their sexuality. What the media should be teaching teenagers about sexuality is that although it is a natural part of human development, you also have to be aware of the consequence that happen when you start experimenting your sexuality. As I said before it is very clear that teen sexuality is on the rise, and the only way to help teens meet their expectations about their first time, and not have to live with consequences such as pregnancy’s or STD’s for the rest of their life’s is to practice safe sex, and the best way to practice safe sex is abstinence..