This unit provides knowledge and understanding of how children and young people from birth to 19 years develop, including underpinning theoretical perspectives. It also includes actions taken when differences in development are identified and the potential effects of transitions on children and young peoples development. Unit 2: Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People. This unit provides the knowledge and understanding required to support the safeguarding of children and young people. The unit contains material on e-safety. Unit 3: Support Children and Young People’s Health and Safety.
This unit provides the knowledge, understanding and skills required to support children and young people’s health and safety. It requires a demonstration of competence in recognising hazards and undertaking risk assessments in the work setting. Unit 4: Engage in personal development in young people’s settings This unit is aimed at those who work in health or social care settings or with children or young people in a wide range of settings. The unit considers personal development and reflective practice, which are both fundamental to such roles. Unit 5: Support learning activities
This unit provides the knowledge, understanding and skills to support learning activities. It requires competence in supporting the planning, delivery, assessment and review cycle. Unit 6: Promote children and young people’s positive behaviour This unit provides the knowledge, understanding and skills required to promote children and young people’s positive behaviour. It requires demonstration of competence in promoting positive behaviour, managing inappropriate behaviour, dealing with challenging behaviour and contributing to reviews of behaviour and behaviour policies.
Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 3 Unit 7: Develop professional relationships with children, young people and adults This unit covers the competence required to develop professional relationships with children, young people and adults. Unit 8: Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people This unit provides the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people. It requires demonstration of competence in promoting equality and diversity and supporting Inclusion. Unit 9: Support assessment for learning
This unit provides the knowledge, understanding and skills to support assessment for learning. It requires demonstration of competence in using assessment strategies to promote learning, supporting learners to review their learning strategies and achievements, and working with the teacher to review assessment for learning processes and outcomes. Unit 10: Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults This unit provides the knowledge and understanding which underpins effective communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults.
Schools as organisations This unit aims to prepare the learner for working in a school. It covers knowledge and understanding of the structure of education, how schools are organised, school ethos, mission, aims and values, legislative and policy frameworks and the wider context in which schools operate. © Study House Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 3 Part One: Introduction This section of notes contains important information about your course, the assessments and the compilation of your portfolio on which your certificate is based.
You should read and familiarise yourself with these introductory notes before embarking upon study of the 11 course units which follow. This will help to make sure that your studies are directed toward meeting the awarding body requirements. © Study House Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 3 © Study House Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 3 Introductory Notes Welcome to your course and your study pack. This introduction contains some very important information about your course and the certification which the course is designed to provide.
Please read these notes very carefully before starting your studies and ensure that you complete and return the registration form which follows, in order that we can ensure that we can register you with the Awarding Body. This form must be returned within four weeks of receiving your pack. The level 3 course Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools is designed around the national standards so as to give students the skills and knowledge which are becoming a requirement for people seeking to work as a Teaching Assistant, Classroom Assistant or Learning Support Assistant.
To meet the requirements of the national standards, students will need to compliment their studies with practical work experience, in order to demonstrate their skill in a teaching/classroom environment. NCFE Level 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools This accreditation is a fully listed qualification designed to meet the requirements for Teaching Assistants, Classroom Assistants and Learning Support Assistants. Students taking this option MUST have a work placement arranged and will need the support of a member of staff in school who will supervise a number of assessments.
Assessments for the course are based upon building a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates knowledge, understanding and skill. These assessment requirements are described in detail later in the introductory sections of the course and you should familiarise yourself with these requirements before electing to be registered for this award to ensure that you will be able to meet the requirements during your study period. The course is based upon study of all 11 units of the enclosed course notes PLUS a work placement during the study period to enable you to gather evidence of practical skills as you work through each unit..