When Anabolic steroids were first developed they were thought by doctors to be the miracle drug with the ability to build new body tissue made them superb medication for patients. The 1st widespred application came at the end of world war ll, when they used them to help rebuild broken bodies of people who survied the concentratioon camps. Then doctors let news out and despite all of the frightning indications that had been said, a number of athlets turned to the anabolic stroid (or the easy short-cut) over the years, sometimes with medical supervision and some times on their own from this experiment behine the iron curtain, steroid use spread to the rest of Europe and then to western hemisphere countries, among them the United States and Canada. The earliset use appers to have been limited mainly to weight lifters and power lifters then steroids found their way into a wide varity of sport some are track, football, basket ball. In these sports steroids were not just for increse in strength but also for extra speed and agility that strength can bring. For a number of years steroids use was limited to an elite of the sports world. Today steroid use is no longer limited to the elite of the sports world it has spread to athlets of all age at all levels of- competiton to any athlete who wants to win at any and all costs. Studies and news reports show that todays users range from world- class amateurs and highly paid professiionals to university, high school students and even primary school athlets in a very rare cases.
Steroid Scandel
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