When do we know when it is “right” or not to intentionally end a life? One of the biggest controversies of this decade is euthanasia. Euthanasia is inducing the painless death of a person for reasons assumed to be merciful. The first argument against Euthanasia is that we should preserve life.
In the beginning of this process, it is said that the population of the country is too big, that contraception becomes necessary , and even that contraception will prevent abortion (we answer these problems in our leaflet on contraception).
We must tell here that the introduction of contraception is always done in a context of increasing immorality spread by television, movies, advertisements, magazines, sexual education in the schools, and so on. It is the liberation of sexuality, and this immorality increases the need of to practice contraception.
But after some years, this contraception obviously induces an anti-conception mentality. So it becomes easy to introduce abortion. In the beginning, it was said that abortion was introduced only in order to help poor women victims of rape, and such other cases. But very quickly, abortion became permitted for all women who do not want any more babies. Now after some years, abortion has made a mortal breach in the respect of life. Then, people having no more respect for life, euthanasia can easily be introduced. We must spread the doctrine of the faith, help people to understand what is the meaning of life and death according to the Revelation made by Our Lord Jesus Christ. We must fight for life, fight against contraception, abortion, and euthanasia.