Explain how managers can set effective expectations for their employees to increase organizational performance*
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Speakers Notes:
It is important for managers to set effective expectations for their employees and do so in a way that will build strong employee relations and increase the performance of the organization. Setting effective expectations consists of learning behaviors and using motivation. Managers use motivation to gain new employees, to entice current and new employees to want to continue working with the company, to perform to the best of their abilities and to become a model employee that represents the company proudly.
* Set Goals
* Reinforce Performance
* Performance Related Beliefs
* Understanding Needs
* Motivating Positions
* Fairness
* Satisfaction
Speakers Notes:
The most influential way managers can motivate towards a high standard of excellence is first to set goals that are achievable for the employees and one that does not go against their values and morales. The goal can be short term or a stretch goal that has a certain degree of difficulty, however it should be one that challenges employees to do their best to attain the intended goal.
Next, is to reinforce performance with positive behavior. The Law of Effect states behavior that is followed by a positive consequence probably will be repeated. This law compounded the effects of four key consequences of behavior that are intended to encourage or stop employee behavior. The four consequences are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction. Positive and negative reinforcement are positive actions that benefits the employee, has a desirable outcome and cause the same behavior to be repeated.. Punishment and extinction generally hold negative consequences with the intent to eliminate the same behavior from being repeated. Regardless of the consequence; positive or negative, it is important for the manager to effectively and fairly manage mistakes and provide feedback accordingly to maintain employee morale and motivation.
Performance related beliefs touches on the fact motivation holds key functions that have an effect on employees. The first is expectancy where an employee feels that their hard work will allow them to reach certain goals. The second belief is instrumentality where the employee feels their hard work will earn them a set outcome. The last belief is valence and this is the merit that an employee puts on the outcome of their actions. To entice motivation to be high it is important that employees feel they can reach performance goals and for expectancy, instrumentality, and valence to be a high standard as well.
Understanding employees needs and characteristics is another important aspect for managers to consider in motivating employees. We are all different so what one employee needs to motivate and gear them to work towards a goal will require a different approach for another employee. There are three theories that detail the capacity of employees needs. The first theory is by Abraham Maslow and he believes that peoples needs become apparent at five different levels; physiological, safety, social, ego, and self-actualization. His belief is that people focus more on the idea of work. The second theory is Alderfers and his belief is that people have three different sets of needs; existence, relatedness, and growth and these needs can work together at the same instant. The last theory is David McClelland’s and his belief is that the most important needs of employees is for achievement, affiliation, and power. Because we are all different and have different needs, these theories are of assistance to managers to help determine ways to motivate employees and achieve the set expectations.
Another approach to increasing organizational performance is to create jobs or positions that are motivating to the employee. This can be made possible by building skill variety, identifying tasks, task significance, empowerment, and reinforcing feedback. These set qualities are attainable by managers creating a work environment that provides employees with the pertinent information and knowledge needed to perform and appropriate rewards for completing set functions and goals.
Lastly, it is greatly important for managers to display fairness to all employees and to create a satisfied workforce. The Equity theory states that employees asses how fairly they are treated and in doing so they consider two factors which are the outcome and input from their performance. The outcomes can leave an employee either feeling that they have been treated fairly or unfairly and this can have an effect on an employee’s motivation level and behavior. If employees are respected and treated fairly then the outcome for the company can be a great advantage and can lead to a satisfied workplace. A safe and healthy work environment is key and will provide employees with the opportunity for personal growth and improvements. These tools are all greatly important for a manager to entice motivation among employees and to increase organizational performance.