Chapter 11) The Four purposes of writing are to: inform, persuade, express oneself, and to entertain. To inform may be to further educate the reader on a topic of interest such as taking care of pets. Trying to sway a reader on a topic such as wheat her abortion is moral or not is an example of persuasive writing. Self expression is apparent in poetry along with personal essays. And any child who has ever been read to can tell you how entertaining writing can be.
2) When writing a paper the audience is the most important thing to think about. You want to make sure the price you are writing is not only entertaining to them so they will read it but also they can understand what you are trying to express. A third grad der would not be able to even comprehend, never mind enjoy a paper on quantum physics, nor would a physicist find much joy in reading See Spot Run. It is the audience that would be dictating what a good paper is and if they dont understand it they would most likely not like the paper.
3) What is the audience’s educational level, age social class, and economical status? You don’t want to write on a topic that the audience will not or can not relate to whatsoever such as a 10 year old may not comprehend the stress of the great depression, they most likely just want to read to enjoy themselves. Why will the audience read the writing? Is it to gain information, or be entertained, or maybe to try to understand a vein on an issue that is presented. There need to be a purpose to all writing. If your audience wants to be informed then allow them to learn by providing details and well presented information.
How will the audience respond? If you have a hostile (opposing audience) then try to make your comments less a gressive and follow them up with details and evidence to support your main themes. Having a neutral audience then you want to provide an effectively presented argument to persuade them to beleive in your veins. How much do they know about the topic? This will allow you to judge wheat her you are saying too much or too little in your writing. If they have little to no knoll age of the topic then be sure to explain things in great detail.
If they are of your topic then you can just outline the main ideas and show fewer details without losing the audience. What kind of language will communicate with them most effectively? A general audience would more from a simplified report than one filled with jargon that they could not understand. On the other side a specialist may want more specifics to better understand the point the author makes. 4) Three qualities of good writing are: Fresh thinking- Don’t let your writing become caleche, you don’t have to create a whole new topic but instead put a personal spin on it to add a new de mention that others haven’t gone in before. The audience will become board reading the same thing over and over but add in a new twist will make your writing stand out. Ream an with in reason though, if you become too outrageous the audience will not relate or become skeptical of your creditability.
Sense of style- All writers develop their own sense of style sooner or later, this is the writer’s trademark so to speak. After writing many times the author’s writing seems to connect either in tone or in form such as ee cummings who has such a unique sense of style of not so misplaced punctuation and use of capitalization, that few can mistake his work. Effective Organization- The paper should have a form of a beginning, a middle, and a conclusion. The opening segment called the introduction should set forth the principals that will be explained later in the paper.
The middle, or the body, should contain the details and make up the majority of the price. The conclusion should sum up the paper and have closure to the paper. Chapter 21) Tapping your personal resources- personal are the culmination of memories and experiences that are stored in one’s own mind. These electrical stimuli are transformed into great ideas on improvement of an area you found trouble with earlier to a story on how you acquired your puppy.
These topics are also good choices becase you lived through them and can supply your writing with a great deal of details. Keeping a journal- A journal is a great way to keep track of event more accurately than memory. This method allows for less as time goes by and the written can not forget details. This also allows for writing practice for the writer. Keeping a journal will alow for a collection of topics to write on and elaborate on in further writing, and as before living through it you can have a more accurate point of view.
Sorting out a subject- This is characterized by breaking a broad subject into several subtopics. This allows us to think of different items we may wish to include for each of these smaller, more distinct topics. Some ways of doing this include webs and lists that will help you visualize your topics and what direction you may want to per sue in your writing. 2) The flexible note system is having several prices of paper, each one with key points for the headings and under them list supporting details that go along with each heading. You can then arrange the topics in the order you believe they should follow in your essay. For example the topic of effective study skills may include the headers: Location of study, Length of study, and amount of material covered.
Under location you may include: quiet, well lit, comfortable, soothing. Under length of study you may include: breaks, what is too long, proper timing for the amount of material. These will later be a ranged in a logical order so the writer can weave in the subtopics into a paper. As you can see this is like a web and it has the same basic idea. 3) An effective (it is too difficult to define “good”) thesis statement follows a few outlines. The first of these is that it will focus on one main, or central idea or issue.
This means having the thesis distinct enough as to not branch out into many other areas and have many weak points, instead have a few strong points to be made. Another guid line is that a thesis statement should adjust the topic to fit the length of the paper. Having a vague or broad topic would lead to either a lengthy paper or one that is too general and lacks credibility. A thesis should also for tell what is to come in the paper.
Don’t start off your paper by stating a cause if your paper will deal with the outcome. And finally a thesis statement should be precise and include details as not to arouse too many questions. 4) The.