After the carnage at Omaha Beach, we find out that one of the men who died on the beach, Daniel Ryan, also had two other brothers, Sean and Matthew, who die in the same week. This leaves Private James Ryan (Matt Damon) as Mrs Ryan’s only living son. General Marshall (Have Pre snell), who is not down there, experiencing the bloodshed, decides that he must do the “proper” thing and sends a platoon off its course from Normandy, with the sole intent being to bring Private Ryan home alive. The platoon, led by Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks), includes his faithful right hand man, Sergeant Horvath (Tom Sizemore), the sarcastic Private Reuben (Edward Burns), terrified French/German translator Corporal Upham (Jeremy Davies), and Privates Jackson (Barry Pepper), Mel lish (Adam Goldberg), Caparzo (Vin Diesel), and medic Wade (Giovanni Rib isi).
As they make their way through German held territory, they wonder, as do we, whether the lives of an entire platoon of men are worth risking just to save one, for what looks to be a public relations stunt. Thankfully, the film doesn’t answer these questions.
Steven Spielberg have made an amazing effort showing the tragedy of war, at least so I think. A wounded man on the beach tries to stuff his entrails back into his stomach. A soldier gets his arm completely shot off, then stands there in a world of his own, exposed to all sorts of fire, before coming to and picking the lost arm up off the ground — as if he ” ll be able to use it later. A bullet hits a young soldier’s helmet, which shields him from the brunt of the blow.
He takes off the helmet, smiles, and looks up as if to thank God — as another bullet shatters his uncovered skull and chunks of his brain matter are spattered onto the camera. War has never been portrayed this horrifying realistically, before. I like this movie, even though it looks at the war from the American side which starting to be a bit dull and anoint. I like the surroundings and the photography, I also like the colours which are shifting from the different surroundings and the way everything looks old so that you think it’s really from that era of time. A classic thing that always occurs in war movies is the bound between the soldiers and their nick names and true friendship. That also occurs in this movie and I must say that they have done a really good job every character has his own personality his own nick name and his own way of seeing things.
The story is new, it is not about some big battle somewhere or some hero soldier that kills every man in the enemies platoon, its just a story of war. I truly recommend this movie. See it.