Running Head: The Blind, Deaf & Dumb Criminal Justice The Blind, Deaf & Dumb Criminal Justice (Authors Name) (Institution Name) The Blind, Deaf & Dumb Criminal Justice When we look at the Criminal Justice System in our present times, the generalized viewpoint that we can have is truly besides being blind, the justice system is gradually also becoming deaf as well as dumb because of the extremes prevailing within its system. If these extremes are not kept into proper check, these extreme views would become a reality that would directly affect all of us sooner, rather than later and eventually the whole of humankind. The blindfolded justice ladys feet set in deeply rooted foundations are being shaken up and the scales of justice in her hand have begun to dangerously tilt out of control. In the somewhat successful struggle by vested groups to attain authority and power, the criminal justice system is being exploited and this is leading to rampant corruption where injustice finds a home based on identification through race, ethnicity, religions, cultures and even sex. When such diversification sets in within the criminal justice system, it is justice that falls prey and is hampered or ceases to operate within the required standards and this affects the very essence for which the criminal justice system stands for. (Addressing Police Misconduct) Under the prevailing nationally as well as the internationally disturbed situations lawmakers are compelled consciously and sometimes unconsciously to enact laws that curb the liberties assured democratically through our constitutions.
Together with these newly introduced draconian laws the original laws based on fairness are hampered from functioning as they should mainly due to political reasons or the pressure exerted by the rich and powerful. Unfortunately, the lawmakers succumb to the pressures of introducing or changing such laws as perhaps they are forced by the ever-growing powerful criminal and illegal extreme organisations that are spreading their tentacles in all private, public and government institutions to not allow the necessary changes for the good of society. It is ironic that while the world grows smaller its problems keep growing larger, the smaller world in principle should bring people closer but in reality this closeness has demanded its price. Due to various phases of vested interests, injustices in this smaller world are being super-imposed under the pretext of perceived knowledge of races, ethnicities, religions and cultural lines. Awareness about the majorities and minorities amongst human beings are increasingly being highlighted and brought to the fore, and differences encouraged for extracting maximum advantage and power for the majority or the powerful. The original noble intentions with which the justice system was built is being trampled upon with impunity.
With the seeping in of corruption and the cohesion with the very anti-forces that the justice department stands for to protect citizens, it unfortunately seems to be in an uncontrolled spiralling fall towards anarchy. (Criminal Justice Resources & Blocks to Exposing Corruption in Government Offices) National and international agencies and organisations are ineffectively becoming the tools of the supposed leaders and instead of serving the best interests of the populace are being rampantly misused. These injustices influence, encourage and at times even create a sense of helplessness for the implementation and working of the laws within all government departments with particularity in the proper and independent functioning of the electoral, judicial and police departments. In a reaction to these factors the duties that the concerned officials are supposed to do take a back seat with priorities being changed from why duties should be conducted to how duties should be done with the majority splinter groups tending to superimpose on the minority groups within their ranks. The global psyche of human beings needs to be based on the principle, live and let live. When things are perceived to be going in the wrong directions, immediate accountability and corrective measures have to be taken.
To stay in powers or for gaining illegal gratification, rulers, politicians and the decision makers are taking advantage of loop-holes and the knowledge that they can get away with whatever wrongs they do. In this morally and legally deteriorating situations the world over, corruption and mal-practices are being accepted as the normally accepted things in life and in a chain reaction to these factors, even the criminal justice system is being contaminated. Tolerance, acceptance and the human innocence are gradually being strangled, and a sense of insecurity is being imposed on people. (Jason E. W., 2001, Beyond Scandal & United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime) The governmental machinery at the disposal of the world leaders flagrantly uses all of the wrong reason and tools to follow their sometimes hidden and pervert agendas and policies. This in turn also requires the people employed within the criminal judiciary systems to forcedly implement actions, thus dividing them in camps for and against the required work and duties to be performed by them. Thus the criminal justice system that is supposedly blindfolded so that it can serve itself without any indiscrimination is effectively being forced to also become deaf and dumb.
This problem has to be addressed with urgency so that remedial measures are taken so that the world becomes a better place to live in then it presently is for people crying out for fairness and true justice. (Blocks to Exposing Corruption in Government Offices) References: Addressing Police Misconduct, Laws enforced by U.S. Department of Justice (Accessed: May 25, 2007) Blocks to Exposing Corruption in Government Offices (Accessed: May 25, 2007) g_corruption.html Criminal Justice Resources (Accessed: May 25, 2007) tm Jason E. Whitehead, January 9, 2001.Beyond Scandal, The Rampart Corruption Incident as ‘Business-as-Usual’ in LA (Accessed: May 25, 2007) rt_scandal.html United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime (Accessed: May 25, 2007)