Industrial Disputes These articles basically show workers who are not content with their wages, working conditions and / or resources. The articles include – Actors from popular Australian television shows striking for better pay, because alot of irregular working actors may only work a couple days a year, and receive unacceptable pay. As the financial years finishes, many teachers are striking for better pay and resources, because they are not happy with their current situation. Employees from a drum-mak ing factory, have just ceased their strike due to the companies insistence on non-union employment agreements. Working Conditions These articles are about the working conditions of their workplace, including people who are bullied, or are forced to wor k and do things that they don’t want to do. Including A large amount of people are bullied at work each day by colleagues.
Girls are forced to work as prostitutes, and are told that if they don’t they are threatened with murder or harm to themselves or th eir family. Dismissal These articles are about people losing their jobs due to environmental activity, contracts, and redundancy packages. These include Abattoirs, who have to dismiss, people due to them not being needed anymore, or people who have taken voluntary redundancy packages. This is mainly due to the recent drought that affected country areas. Unions The articles are mainly about child care, long service leave for fathers, and reducing working hours. Including A union for reducing work ng hours in a week, are not having much success as their managers / bosses are fighting back making sure that the workers don’t get what they want.
Many unions are pushing for free child care within workplaces, therefore making it more appropriate for pare n ts having their children staying closer to them, and being able to pick them up straight away after work, and helping families balance home and work life easier. Unions are trying to get baby leave for new fathers (unpaid), therefore balancing and reducing g t he work load for mothers. People Retiring People who are working in government jobs, are retiring faster than new (and just as good) people can be recruited. Police officers are being offered redundancy packages who are in the right criteria of ove r 45 years and that have been with the police force for at least 20 years. A campaign to attract retired nurses back to work, has not been as successful as the government had hoped. The campaign was forme d be cause of the increasing vacancies in the nursing profession.
Women And Maternity Leave Plans to help mothers spend more time at home with their children are being formed, and women are wanting jobs closer to home so that they can spend more time o n the ir ho me life rather than their work life, or at least balance it out more. Women are being told to abandon their plans for maternity leave, as the situation will probly not get much better. But instead they will r receive a cha nge and restructure of the family payments system instead. Shown in recent research, women are more likely to work in the western suburbs of Sydney, rather than the city, because it is closer to home, friends and families. Women want to be at home with th eir children, rather than being involved in a full time career. Wages Wages involve increase in pay, technological changes, and wages that are decreased.
Articles included are Pay rise for fruit and vegetable pickers Wage deal is denied for state public servants Increase in wages for emergency servants, nursing and teachers, have no real plan for an increase. Payroll information is now accessible through the internet A large amount of money is cut by 30% for employees Teachers are offered money to move to the country because of shortages Superannuation And Legislation Changes to superannuation, employers are to guarantee a contribution, on behalf of their employees. People on a low income would receive an acceptable increase from the Federal Governments superannuation legislation, but this doesn’t include people on high income{.