PAUL HARRIS CAUSE AND EFFECT PHYSICAL TRAINING CAUSES INJURIES With all the training given in the military today, the most strenuous on the body is the physical fitness given on a daily basis. The military as a whole, has a life long effect on an individual’s body. During the early portion of the morning, soldiers experience high impact training, that the army requires all soldiers to complete to a certain standard. During physical training there is a strong emphasis on cardiovascular development. Over a period of time and training, high impact training takes a toll on certain parts of the body. In the beginning, after you complete basic training, your body eventually overcomes the constant aching that comes from over training.
Soon individuals become accustomed to training and the body is able to absorb the training regiment that is given. There are still many soldiers who are not able to over come the stress given to the body, and are more likely to sustain injury over a period of time. Many of the injuries that are sustained because of physical training, are usually found in and around the joints in the body. The knees, shoulders, wrists, and ankles take most of the pressure and strain during physical training. Some injuries range from simple muscle strain, to actual bone and cartilage damage. Many injuries however, can be prevented with certain steps, that can be taken prior to training.
Over coming injuries sustained because of physical training, isn’t a difficult task in the least. One important measure is to properly stretch all muscle groups, that will be utilized during training. Another important step is to warm muscle groups up by doing simple exercises, prior to strenuous ones. Unfortunately there are still injuries that are sustained as the result of training. Stress fractures are common in the military as the result of prolonged training.