UNIX is one of the most popular operating systems worldwide because of its large support base and distribution. It was originally developed at AT&T as a multitasking system for minicomputers and mainframes in the 1970’s, but has since grown to become one of the most widely used operating systems anywhere, despite its sometimes-confusing interface and lack of central standardization. RTOS (A real-time operating system) is an operating system that guarantees a certain capability within a specified time constraint. For example, an operating system might be designed to ensure that a certain object was available for a robot on an assembly line. In what is usually called a hard real-time operating system, if the calculation could not be performed for making the object available at the designated time, the operating system would terminate with a failure.
In a soft real-time operating system, the assembly line would continue to function but the production output might be lowered as objects failed to appear at their designated time, causing the robot to be temporarily unproductive. Some real-time operating systems are created for a special application; others are for purpose that is more general. Some existing general-purpose operating systems claim to be real-time operating systems. Real-time operating systems are often required in small-embedded operating systems that are packaged as part of micro-devices. Some kernel can be considered to meet the requirements of a real-time operating system. However, since other components, such as device drivers, are also usually needed for a particular solution, a real-time operating system is usually larger than just the kernel.
The Internet era has finally reached our everyday life. Our everyday life may be impossible to manage without the Internet. Since Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, telecommunication devices have developed and evolved beyond our imagination. Now we can communicate with the persons who live in the opposite side of the world on the corded / cordless telephone, through the Internet, and by other means. The keynote speech for Comdex Fall 2000 by Carly Fiorina, the CEO of HP, implied that the Internet is not technology, but a lifestyle.
However, her fascinating statement seems to be outdated since the competitive technology groups are preparing for the post-internet era. There has been a great deal of fanfare in the press recently regarding an emerging set of devices designed to make access to the Internet easier. These information appliances are described as low-cost, easy-to-use, consumer-focused devices that provide access to one or more benefits of the Internet (IDC 2000).
In addition, the Screen phone includes a base module, a voice communications module, a keypad, and screen display. This product will provide access to Internet service. Samsung AnywebTM saves customers their money by connecting calls through the Internet.
The Web Screen Phone combines the Internet features of a PC, such as e-commerce, web surfing and e-mail, with IP (Internet Protocol) telephony, and the simplicity of a regular telephone. These products offer a full e-mail send / receive functionality, browsing of WWW, and other high-end features. Furthermore, it is possible to provide the non-PC user with the opportunities to browse the Internet. This is what Samsung AnywebTM had set out to accomplish. Samsung AnywebTM is a pioneer.