Our life is a mixture of good and bad phases. The events that occur in our life, either good or bad, may create a great impact on our life. Usually believed that the basic nature of humans does not tend to change much and the same true with our ambitions. Many times, we believe that to change our life, something big must happen, like a big event or arrival of a great opportunity that can prove to be a turning point in phase of life but actually that may not be true. Even a small event may have potential to change how we live. In my life one accident, a sad one, created a long lasting impression for the rest of my life. Because of that unfortunate incident, I lost my left toe and my wallet. After this accident, my view for friends and friendship was changed. I became serious about life and so, I can able to understand value for others life.
Wednesday, March 12, 2003, the day that I can never forget in my life. That the last day of my first semester of under graduation and I was planning to go back home from my school via train. I packed all of my belonging in one brief-case. I reached to the nearby railway station with my entire group of friends on that evening. After we got our tickets, waiting for our train to go home. I excited because almost after one month, I supposed to return home. The total distance from my school to home is about seven hours. The train had arrived a bit late than the regular arrival time. When I stepped in, I surprised, because the train was totally full. With great difficulty, I managed to find one space just to keep standing, and I put my luggage near my legs. After few minutes, the train departed towards different destinations.
Finally I reached to my destination with great difficulty and the train became slow to stop. I found that so many people were waiting in queue to get out of the train. Hence, I too collected my baggage and stood near the door of train to get out. There was a mob of people in the train who were making a lot of noise and were pushing each other. The man who was standed behind me seem to be in much hurry. He asked me step out of the train. I told him to wait for the train to stop. But he tried to come ahead of me by pushing me. Because of that, I suddenly lost my balance and fell down from running train. Due to the motion and speed of the train, I got fall in the middle of the platform pavement and the rails on which the train was moving forward. People on the platform as well as in the train saw this incidence with their naked eyes and thought of my dreadful condition. My friend who saw this incident from a window of the train, rushed to the door of the coach. He jumped from the train on the platform and saw me alive fighting with the battle of life and death. He told me to be in a standstill position till the whole train passes the place. I was having some consciousness left in me and heard his words by acting accordingly. Luckily, with my charming fortune, I finally won the battle to death and was alive and fine. But in that mishap I unfortunately lost my left toe because my leg got stuck up between the rails and the train rolled over it.
After the train passed, my friend along with the help of few nearby people picked me from the down side and put me in rickshaw to rush towards hospital. My friend also carried my luggage along with him. The blood from my leg was flowing like a stream of river. I was heavily shouting in pain and my friend somehow tried to stop the oozing blood by tying a piece of cloth, very tight. We arrived to the hospital and the hospital staff members immediately took me to the operation room in Intensive Care Unit. In the meantime my friend informed my parents. When my parents came to know about the incident they hurriedly rushed to the hospital to see me. The doctors were trying their all types of alternatives in order to stop the oozing blood, and save my toe but it were crushed completely and they had to take the decision to remove the toe.
When I came to know about that unfortunate thing, my father came nearer to me and put his warm hand on my head and slowly explained me the whole matter. Still it was hard to believe for me that I lost a part of my body. I cried like child, but my parents gave me all sympathy and moral support. I got cured rapidly and within two weeks I was discharged to return home.
From this incidence, I learnt many things. I learnt and felt that what kind of pain a disabled or a paraplegic person must be feeling when a similar thing happened with me.Before event, I was careless about my life, so I learnt to be patient and calm in all kind of situations though they may be happy, sad or full of panic and chaos. I learnt to live the life to the fullest as nobody is sure when the ultimate moment shall come and take away your life. The most important thing I learnt from my friend is how to help somebody in the real time of crises. After all, “A friend in need is a friend indeed!”