Propaganda Dr Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda Goebbels aims of propaganda were to make others believe Hitler was the saviour of Germany. Their aims was to make German people accept Hitler and to approve of Nazism. The propaganda that was used by the nazis were posters, televisions, cinema, public events such as book burning, rallies, newspapers, radio and the 1939 Olympics. The Nuremberg rallies took place in the summer of every year. They consisted of marches, flying displays, bands, parades and speeches made by Hitler. The Nazis controlled the media in many ways.
No books could be published without Goebbels permission. This was to ensure that no negative messages about the Nazis were being read. He organised a book burning which was a great publicity stunt to attract people to come and burn books, which contained ideas that the Nazis would classify as inappropriate. Goebbels also controlled the newspapers.
He knew that Nazism would create a lot of controversy so he kept a close eye on it to be certain that no anti-nazi ideas were being printed. But as there were Jewish editors and journalists they became unemployed. The Nazis didn’t want anyone opposing the Nazis so soon all the anti-nazi papers were prohibited from being published The cinema films had to portray a positive message about Nazism and contained messages from Hitler at the beginning of films Posters covered walls giving a positive image of Hitler and criticized the Jews Goebbels wanted every household to have a radio because they repeated speeches by Hitler as if to force them to accept Hitler Goebbels banned jazz music because it was associated with black people and they were considered to be inferior. The Olympics was to show that the Aryan race were superior. They made the stadium look modernised so that they could show that Germany was modern, civilised and a successful country.
The visitors were amazed at their faiclities of the stadium. Also at the beginning they the Germans were leading perhaps making people think that the Aryan race was superior. However the winners were mostly black people and many people did not like the blatant propaganda so people did not like it. Women The Nazis considered women as only mothers and wives. A newspaper headline once read ‘No true German woman wears trousers’.
This showed that they preferred men to be dominating. Women were encouraged to have children by getting a gold cross for having 8 children and gained a privileged seat in Nazi meetings. Propaganda was also used to promote motherhood The birth rate did increase 15 per 1000 and then increased to 20 per 1000 in 1939. The plans to tempt women into having children had been successful as the birth rate increased Source 30 shows a painting of the Nazis image of and ideal German family. The woman has a husband and has four kids.
She does not look very glamorous and is not dressed in impressive clothing. I think that the Nazis preferred the women to be more focused on mothering the children than on make up The Nazis encouraged discrimination against women applicants for job. They wanted women to remain at home with her children. The numbers of jobs available for women were deliberately limited.
This must mean that they didn’t approve of women working. However they needed women to work during the war but thin was a contrast to the ideal woman that was illustrated in the picture. Economic Policy The Nazis help reduce unemployment for 6 million German people. A large number of men were given jobs due to conscription.
This meant that they had to join the war. This gave employment for over a million men. However this did need money for uniform, weapons etc. So coal mines and factories gave more opportunities for workers. And then more people were needed as engineers, designers and fitters for constructing for the air force. Law and Order The police force in Nazi Germany had changed for the benefit of the Nazis.
The high status jobs in the police force were given to high ranking Nazis. This then enabled them to report of what was happening to Himmler who was head of Germany’s police. This meant that they had more power and were able to do things that normal civilians couldn’t. They were also under strict instructions to ignore any crimes that were committed by Nazi agents. The law courts in Nazi Germany were controlled by the Nazis, as well as the judges and the magistrates.
This allowed Nazi agents to be excused for any crimes committed and were unfair to any opponents of Nazism. Reinhard Heydrich was in charge of the Gestapo. The Gestapo’s main aim was to reduce opponents of Nazism and to get rid of anyone who didn’t like or approve of Hitler. They had power to send anyone to concentration camps on suspicion without reason. Himmler who was head of Germany’s police was also in charge of the SS. The SS men who were very loyal to Hitler had a main responsibility of destroying opposition to the Nazis.
They also had units who were in charge of the concentration camps and it was their duty to get rid of the Jews. The very first concentration camps were set up in Poland December 8 th 1933 as soon as Hitler came to power. They had used old factories or warehouses in isolated rural areas.