First I want to say that glory was an excellent movie and I enjoyed watching it. People who haven’t seen it before should really see it. With movies like this it really gives you an understanding about what really went on. Glory tells the story about a group of soldiers, the 54 th regiment of Massachusetts. This group was made up of a troop of African American men who fought to help win liberty for their enslaved brothers. In the movie the troops have to get ready for battle because they haven’t been in battles.
They give the responsibility to a young guy, Colonel Shaw to lead them. He goes in and doesn’t really think anything about this being that difficult, but he doesn’t think about the fact that this is a black army. They don’t really like the idea of taking orders from a white Colonel. Private Trip (Denzel Washington), is probably the most hateful towards the Colonel, but that would soon change when they realize why they are there and what they are fighting for. This division was just used primarily for manual labor and really didn’t see any combat. Their Colonel on the other hand thought that they were ready.
He convinced someone that they could fight, through a little blackmail. They finally get called into battle. This is basically just a suicide mission. The views that they showed could have blew anybody away. You never really understand how war is until you watch a movie about it. The things that these soldiers went through were horrifying.
These soldiers were really heroic and they did well when they fought. They surprised a lot of people and they really came together as a group. Although they were a black group they were recognized after all of the fighting. And a guy in the regiment actually was the first African American to receive a medal of honor for his heroic acts.
This movie was so empowering, I loved watching every second of this movie. It was amazing how these guys fought through all the negativity to fight for our country. And for them to do so well and to actually get recognized is just amazing to me and was a big step for history. I feel that the actors in this movie did a wonderful job and made it interesting to watch and I feel that the actors in this movie did a wonderful job and made it interesting to watch..