Marijuana and other “pleasure” drug are outlawed completely under Federal Statues, banned by virtually every state as well… It is not likely that excessive use of marijuana does fog the brain and causes other harm, as its enemies claim… But this isn’t crucial point being interpreted. The key point is that if you accept the Libertarian promise that your life is your own and not the state’s, the government doesn’t have any business telling you what you can and can not do.
With the exception of prohibiting you from using force or fraud against others. Marijuana, the flowering tops of the cannabis plant should be legalized. Marijuana and Hemp has many benefits including medical, economical, libertarian, and political. Marijuana, or cannabis, is commonly described as a recreational drug.
In the Unites States, it has been considered an illegal narcotic for the past sixty to seventy years. Cannabis presently is a political issue. The public and officials everywhere are discussing many issues, which concern it. When smoked or ingested, it produces a physical or mental psychological affect. The government considers the narcotic to be harmful to the nation. They believe that the drug causes health problems and accidents.
Until recently, these laws have been unarguable in every state. In 1996 Propositions 215 and 200 were voted into effect in the states of California and Arizona. The propositions amend consisting laws allowing physicians to recommend marijuana as medicine and patients to grow, posses, and use it. Hemp is a form of cannabis that has been rediscovered as a natural resource. It was also banned in the 1930’s. Propositions 215 amend laws to allow patients to grow and posses marijuana with doctor’s recommendation.
People suffering or dying can receive a written or oral recommendation, if their doctor feels it will help them physically or mentally. In California, proposition 215 is called the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. It’s proposal won 56 % to 44% among California citizens and is beginning to take effect now. In Arizona, a similar act was passed called proposition 200.
Many people, including doctors, law officials, political officials, and AIDS patients argue in favor of the proposition. They claim that cannabis is very effective in treating cancer, glaucoma, and AIDS, as well as many other illnesses. They see no reason why doctors are allowed to prescribe addictive, powerful, and lethal drugs like morphine, but are prohibited to distribute or recommend marijuana. Although the Government insists that marijuana is a hazardous drug with no medical value, there is much scientific evidence contradicting this.
There have been many studies done on whether or not cannabis is any more harmful than other drugs. To name a few, the Laguardia Report, The Harvard Mental Health Letter and the Baroness Wooten Report all come to the conclusion that marijuana has little or no negative physical or mental effects. Other scientists have blamed heavy pot use for serious psychological problems, including psychosis, criminal behavior, and impaired intellectual functioning. Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University, New Orleans, gave monkeys cannabis and they produced abnormal brain wave patterns and pathological changes in brain cells.
Dr. Louis J. West and William H. McLaughlin of UCLA described what they called, “a motivational syndrome,” among pot smokers. Impaired concentration and a diminished ability to stick to complex tasks characterize it. The full dangers posed by marijuana probably will not be known for years.
Increased hunger increased thirst, dry mouth and throat, sense of slow time, laughing and giggling, drowsiness, red eyes, poor concentration, and silly behavior are reported as common undesirable effects of marijuana. Other undesirable effects have been reported less frequently; they include anxiety, headache, aggressive feelings, irritability, crying, suicidal thoughts, nausea, amnesia, and apathy. Symptoms of such as micro psia and hallucinations are common also. The U.
S. National Institute of Drug Abuse’s bureau of mortality statistics report that per year, there are zero deaths caused by marijuana. In comparison, tobacco causes 4000, 000 deaths, alcohol 100, 000 deaths, aspirin 500 deaths, and all other illegal drugs 8000, 000 deaths per year. Many medical uses of marijuana have been discovered, or rediscovered. It has been proven effective in lessening the pain from serious illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS.
It’s also been found to help people who suffer from glaucoma, wasting syndrome, depression, migraines, muscle spasms, rheumatism, asthma, and multiple sclerosis. A study called the Toxicology Letters was conducted to determine whether smoking cannabis could be linked to lung cancer. The conclusion was that this is a false notation. They found that people who smoke cannabis are less likely to get cancer than those who smoke cigarettes. Hemp was once a valued and wide spread source of fiber for thousands of years. Although hemp production is illegal in the U.
S. , various hemp products can be purchased today. Although it’s production could seriously help our economy. It could supply thousands with jobs.
Hemp is discredited because of its relations to the cannabis plant, however if inhaled or consumed, it has no side effects. Hemp is an excellent resource. One acre of hemp can produce as much fiber or paper as two or three acres of cotton, or even two to four acres of woodland trees. It could be used in many ways, like fire retardant, which are stronger and more durable than wood, or even an additive into plastic making it environmentally sound. Hemp is a great food supply. Its seeds can produce flour and soy products.
Hemp is so efficient it could also be made into a combustible fuel. The idea of cost is not so simple. If the brilliant scholar becomes a pothead, quits college, and goes on welfare, he is taking from society rather than contributing to it. Yet only a small minority of users could be said to impose costs such as this.
Active discouragement would seem to be the most practical way of dealing with the situation. If you ” re dying, you should be allowed anything if it will help you with your physical and emotional pain. Legalization would have already taken place if people would take a stand for it. The evidence proves that marijuana is no more harmful to the human body than tobacco or alcohol. If given a chance, marijuana and hemp could probably help our community and supply our resources. Politicians choose to ignore these facts because of their careers being on the line.
They will only promote what will make them popular. Politicians tend to back away from the subject around election time. Because of the reputation marijuana has. In conclusion, the issue of the legalization of marijuana is a very complicated matter. It effects a large group of people, not only the twenty million Americans who use pot recreation ally. It also affects sick people seeking relief.
The issue of hemp could affect many more. The industry would provide jobs and help for our precious environment and fragile economy. The issue is many sided and has been debated for many years. It will certainly be in the political aspect for many more..