It is sad in a way to see a large number of women struggle to lose weight or having difficulty with their diet that they are following. It should not be that hard; therefore, I will lay out the foundation for you by providing you with some tips on how to lose weight within your level of comfort and ability.
Now I really don’t know my readers personally, and what I meant by providing you with weight loss tips to fit your comfort zone and ability is to show you a model; and based on your judgment, feel free to modify it.
Let us Talk about Nutrition Tip-1
What you eat is what you will get out if it in terms of health benefits or detriments and desirable or undesirable weight gain. So eating wisely is part of the solution to weight loss, and here are some suggestions to tackle this with the least possible struggle as possible:
Food Preparation
-Prepare your own meals. And I don’t mean buying a TV. dinner- type of food and toss it in the microwave. No, I am talking about buying your whole foods and cooking them at home; and, ladies, it does not have to be fancy cooking. Start with the simple things and move your way up with creativity.
-Food preparation will help you to eliminate your bad eating habits by not eating packaged foods from vending machines or the grocery stores. Most of these foods contain less than optimal nutrients that your body needs and your body does not thrive on them.
Ask yourself this question? How many times have you done it or at least felt you can finish the whole bag of potato chips, cookies, or the x-large size of soda?
-Have your meals and snack ready in a cooler bag and take it with you to work.
-Prepare your foods during the weekends and make enough to last you for the five working days.
Watch Your Calories Tip-2
Now that is good. You are cleaning up your bad eating habits and now preparing your own meals; however, you must see how many calories you are consuming? Is it 2,700, 3,000, or 3,600 calories per day?
Whatever the number that represents your maintenance intake; then you either want to eat less, or keep your maintenance. But, at least, perform some type of activity like, running, cycling, and/or similar activity.
Let us Talk about Moving and Exercising Tip-3
Some of you are asking this question; can’t I just lose weight by dieting? And the answer is yes, but I am not sure how long it can take. However, I don’t recommend this to my clients and neither to my readers, but ultimately it is your choice.
Many women think that walking around and standing for some time during work hours is a sufficient amount of motion. But I disagree, and I think most of us are living sedentary lifestyles and that includes me.
That is why I put forth the effort to exercise for at least 45 to 70 minutes a day, and I think you should do so also. Doing sports, you should wear a suitful shoes, like Nike Shox Shoes, MBT Women shoes and so on. It can help you to maintain body balance and enhance energy expenditure.
Many women have an idea that weight loss is doing sports. You have to plan a time. It is wrong. Lossing weight is an idea you should keep in the mind, wherever you go, you should keep walking, do not eat too much. Weight loss is a long-standing project.