The controversial issue of sweatshops is one often over looked by The United States. In the Social Issues Encyclopedia, entry # 167, Matt Zwolinski tackles the issues of sweatshops. In this article Matt raises a question I have not been able to get out of my head since I have begun researching this topic, ” are companies who contract with sweatshops doing anything wrong?” this article goes on to argue that the people who work in the sweatshops willingly choose to work there, despite the poor environment. Many people in third world countries depend on the sweatshops to earn what they can to have any hopes of surviving. If the sweatshops were to shut down many people would lose their jobs, and therefore have no source of income. This may lead people to steal and prostitution as well.
this article is suggesting that sweatshops will better the economy by giving people a better job than what they may have had. Due to this the companies contracting with sweatshops are not acting wrong in any way. This was a deductive article it had a lot of good examples to show how sweatshops are beneficial to third world countries. Rally Balko seemed to have the same view point as Matt Zwolinski.
Many people believe the richer countries should not support the sweatshops Balko believes if people stopped buying products made in sweatshops the companies will have to shut down and relocate, firing all of the present workers. Rating the fact that again the worker will have no source of income, the workers need the sweatshop to survive. Balko also uses the argument that the workers willingly work in the current environments. Some of the arguments against sweatshops raised by Americans is the they take jobs away from the American people.
In the job force it is becoming harder to find an open position any where. Instead of keeping the factories here the companies are shipped over seas, causing millions of job opportunities for Americans to be lost. Some arguments raised by the United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) are the poor working conditions, low wages, long hours, and children in the factories. The damp, dark, and cold environment can depress the workers even more than they may be, causing rates in suicide to increase. Low wages is another concern USAS have.
The workers barley get enough money to survive. Money is a necessity to buy food, clothing, and shelter. If the worker has a family it is even more imperative they get better wages. Working long hours can drain a persons energy. Working 16 hour days seven days a week can only lead to over working a person which may lead to death. The workers work too hard to have such long hours with out getting paid overtime.
This leaves no time for the family either which may cause relationship problems. Children in the factories is another big concern faced in sweatshops. The children are working in the sweatshops to help the family survive the only way they know how. If a parent gets sick and the children were not aloud to work in the sweatshops the family is at risk of death. The child provides the income the parent is unable to.
The USAS does not believe in this. They say if there was more federal aid to the children they wouldn’t have to work hard, long hours in the sweatshops producing what we take for granted everyday. USAS believe the factories are wrong in contracting with sweatshops because they knowingly endanger children, have poor working conditions, long hours and little pay, and yet they do nothing about it except take advantage of the situation. The essay on the USAS is another one that gave a lot of examples making it a deductive essay. I side with the USAS. Even though I do think sweatshops are a great source of income and a start to globalization I feel the companies investing in them need to do something to better the workers environment.
By improving the working area the adults may not get sick saving a child from having to work in such a cruel place. People need money to be able to survive and if the companies were not so greedy trying to save money the people working in sweatshops would be able to have a nice healthy meal re energizing them for the next days work. Whether companies contracting with sweatshops are doing anything wrong or not is really a decision a person has to make based on their own morels. There are many reasons seen to why sweatshops are bad as well as good. Based on my morels I agree with the USAS arguments, companies are wrong by contracting with sweatshops and not improving the poor working conditions..