Adaptation and habitat
The word adaptation means the presence of specific features which enables a plant or an animal to live in its surroundings, is called as adaptation
The surroundings in which living organisms live is known as habitat
Adaptation of desert flora
Some flora includes shrubs, Prickly Pears, Desert Holly, and the Brittlebush. Some store water in their leaves, roots, and stems. Other desert plants have long taproots that penetrate to the water table if present, or have adapted to the weather by having wide-spreading roots to absorb water from a greater area of the ground. Another adaptation is the development of small, spiny leaves which shed less moisture than deciduous leaves with greater surface areas.
Adaptations of desert fauna
Deserts have a reputation for supporting very little life, but in reality deserts often have high biodiversity, including animals that remain hidden during daylight hours to control body temperature or to limit moisture needs. Some fauna includes the kangaroo rat, coyote, jack rabbit, and many lizards. These animals adapted to live in deserts are called xerocoles.
Adaptations of flora in mountain regions
There is a large variety of plants .The trees are normally cone shaped and have sloping branches. The leaves of some of these are needle like. This helps the rainwater and snow to slide of easily .
Adaptations of fauna in mountain regions
Animals living in the mountain regions are also adapted to the conditions .they have thick skin or fur to protect them from cold. for examples ,yaks have long hair to keep them warm
Living Organisms and surroundings
Terrestrial : The organisms which live in on land is known terrestrial.
Ex : tiger , lion etc
Aquatic: The organisms which live in water is known as Aquatic.
Ex :fish etc
Amphibians: The organisms which live on both land and water is known as amphibians
Aerial: The living organisms which live in air is known as aerial
Ex: eagle ,vulture etc.
Arboreal: the living organisms which live on trees is known as arboreal
Ex : monkey etc
The animal which is hunted and eaten by other animal is known as prey
Ex: deer is a prey of lion
The animal which is hunts and feeds on the prey is known as predator
Ex: lion is a predator of lion
Biotic and Abiotic components
The living things such as plants and animals in a habitat is known as its biotic components.
The non living things such as rocks, soil and water is known as its abiotic components.