What is this Book trying to teach us concerning the topic? This book is trying to teach us, the readers, that there are five main stages that help us cope with a death of someone close or somebody that is going to die. The first stage that is mentioned in the book is Denial. Ross tells of how a person just does not want to be with anyone but himself or herself because they don’t know why God is choosing them to die at that present time. The second stage Ms. Ross talks about is Denial. This stage is where the die ing patient just won’t admit to themselves or others that it is their time to go and meet their fate.
The third stage is Anger. This is when the die ing patient just hates everyone around them and doesn’t want to be bothered about the topic of their death. They just want to be alone with no outside contact. The fourth stage is Bargaining. Ms. Ross states that the die ing patient asks God as well telling their family and friends that he or she wants to spend just a little more time on Earth.
The last and final stage that Ms. Ross talks about is Acceptance. This stage tops off the whole process of die ing because once you reach this stage, you know that you did all you can do on Earth and you have told your family and friends everything you wanted to tell them before you die. With these five stages, I learned that you can fully complete the process of death because they can help to live a happy, richer, and fuller life. What were the most powerful feelings you had in reading this book, and how did the book affect you personally? The most powerful feelings that I read in the book appealed to me in a very important way because they showed me how to cope with the death of a family member. One feeling was that I had was in the Special Forms of Communication chapter.
This chapter talked about how to cope with a die ing person who was no longer able to communicate verbally. This is a very powerful message to me because my grandfather who past away just over a year ago this past September had two strokes and was not able to communicate verbally. Ms. Ross talked about how you need to use hand signals and to say things to the die ing person so that they can hear you so that they can nod their head or use hand signals. This is exactly what I had to do when I communicated with my grandfather because he was not able to speak very well and I would say something and he would nod his head.
I feel that if I did not use these forms of communication, I would have never been able to communicate with my grandfather. The other powerful feeling that appealed to me was in the first chapter. The feeling that I had was joy when I read about the last stage of acceptance. If I could never reach this stage, I don’t think that I would ever be able to get out of the depression stage because if I was never able to accept my fate, I feel that I would go crazy and just cut myself off from the world and never have communications with any living person again.
This book affected me personally because it changed my whole perspective of how I viewed death. Now that I have learned the five stages of death, I can cope with the die ing patient whether it is one of my family members or one of my close friends. This book showed me how I can go through all of the stages with the die ing patient and how I can help that person go through their long or short process of death. This book gave me the feeling that I have the power to go through someone’s experience with their own death or someone’s experience with a friend or family member’s death because I now know who a die ing persons mind works just from reading as well as understanding this book. Would you recommend this book to someone who recently experienced a death? I would definitely recommend this book to a person who just experienced a death because this book gives the concrete examples, suggestions, and evidence that helps the human mind go through the process that the human mind goes through after a death. Ms.
Ross talks about the reactions a person may have or even what people should do after a death occurs. Ross also gives questions in the book and she answers them so that that the reader can get a good idea of what she is trying to express. Also, when I recommend this book, I would also mention that Ms. Ross has interviewed die ing people and observed them over an extended period of time. This fact may show the new reader of the book the she knows what she is talking about and she can really make an impact on that persons life because she can change a persons perspective of death just as she has done to me.
What did you like the most – (least) about this book? The thing that I liked most about this book was the fact that it helped me put a whole new perspective of death in my everyday life. If I did not have this new perspective, I don’t think that I would be able to lead a richer and feller life because I would never be able to cope with the death of a family member or friend the way that I can do now because I have a whole new attitude toward death now. I feel that if I did not read this book, I would not be able to cope with my own death and I would have never known what I would have to do when death came knocking at my door. The thing that I liked least about this book was the fact that in this book, it seemed that Kubler-Ross was telling me what to do with a die ing person. I felt that to her, my opinion of what I should do when a friend or a family member dies would not count because her facts, opinions, statements, and theories have been endorsed by people all over the world.
Even though I had that negative opinion of the book, I still feel very strongly about the statements that Ms. Ross gave and I feel that they will help with my winding road of life. Why is this book required reading in the life-death professions (eg. clergy, doctors, cops, firemen, social workers)? I think that this book is required reading in the life-death professions because it helps the person with the life-death profession help the person or persons that have experienced a tragedy or death. If they did not have the knowledge of this book, they would not be able to help someone that is experiencing a death cope with it.
This book also gives a person a first hand knowledge of what goes on inside a persons head when they are experiencing a death and it gives the person with the life-death profession an advantage of what they are going to say to the person with the problem because they know just what is going on in the persons mind and the professional knows just what to say to help that person cope with the experience of a friend or family member’s death. I feel that this is a very important book for a person that deals with the life and death profession because it gives the professional a bigger edge on what is going on with the person who is experiencing a death or tragedy. How does Jesus’ teachings concerning death differ from the author’s views? Jesus’ teachings concerning death differ from those of Kubler-Ross’ because Jesus taught his people that you should accept death no matter how it comes to you because no matter what, God will love you because he is calling you to your real home, Heaven because he feels that you are ready to experience eternal life after your physical death. Jesus also taught us that God holds your fate in his hands and he is the only one that knows when your time is up and ready to meet your destiny with him. These teachings differ from the author’s views because the author teaches us that there are five stages of death and that everyone of us go through them before we die. Ross’ views reflect her opinions because she studied her work for a very long time before she could prove her opinions and therefore her opinions differ vastly from those of Jesus Christ, the Lord our God..