The question of whether to legalize drugs or not is very controversial. Drugs affect so many areas of society. For several decades drugs have been one of the major problems of society. There are two views on the legalization of drugs: some people think that they should be legalized, the other group of people think that they must not be legalized. I support those who refuse legalization of hard drugs. Well, and what about marijuana? Whether you call it hemp, Mary Jane, hash, pot, juane, giggle-smoke, kef, weed, grass, ganja, shit, marijuana, it is still Cannabis Sativa, or Cannabis for a short form (
It is classified as a soft drug and it is still illegal in our country.
Marijuana has been used throughout the world for centuries by almost every culture. The active ingredient in marijuana is called THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. It is smoked in a pipe or rolled in a cigarette or it is eaten (
I dont have a straight opinion whether marijuana should be legalized or not. However, although legalization of this drug has many disadvantages, I think that marijuana should be legalized for several reasons: it would cause the fall of the black market, the government might control it and the most important reason to legalize marijuana is because of its medical effects. Some people feel that legalizing of marijuana would increase the number of users due to its availability. Marijuana would become cheaper and more available to people who previously had not tried it because of the legal risk.
Some of them also assert, that the temptation to use marijuana would increase when advertisments for it would displayed on television. I disagree with these opinions, because I think that people, who want to smoke marijuana, smoke it – if it is legal or illegal. I know plenty of people who have never smoked cigarettes, although smoking tobacco is legal and there exist plenty of advertisments for many kinds of cigarettes. By a large, these people dont want to smoke and I think that anything would not persuade them. I think that it would be great to sell marijuana at apothecarys, because the black market would disappear and thousands of dealers would be put out of business. Another argument for legalization of marijuana and selling it at apothecarys is, that the government could regulate its use and could receive the profits of the drug business.
Legalization of marijuana would benefit the federal budget. The federal revenues would increase, because marijuana cigarettes (shortly joints) would be tawed at the point of sale. In return, the companies that make the cigarettes would also pay income taxes. Another reason why some people think that all drugs, including marijuana, shouldnt be legalized, is the fact, that drug abuse leads to all sorts of crimes They feel that most dangerous is driving a car under the influence of marijuana etc. I agree, driving a car under the influence of marijuana is very dangerous, but its as dangerous as under the thumb of alcohol is. Im persuaded that marijuana is not more dangerous than legal drugs such as alcohol or cigarettes.
My opinion is, that if alcohol and cigarettes were legalized, marijuana could be too. I must admit, that marijuana has many negative effects on a humans body and this is the reason why so many people, mostly eldery, refuse marijuana. However, what about alcohol and tobacco? Alcohol is generally thought as socially acceptable and relatively harmless, but it can harm the user very easily. Both cigarettes and alcohol are very addictive, whereas it is impossible to become physically addicted to marijuana. Alcohol makes people agressive and we never know what people, who are influenced by alcohol, will do. Marijuana is indeed ten times worse for the lungs when it is mixed with tobacco, but alone, it doesnt cause any negative effects such as those of cigarettes. Cigarettes dont contain only tobacco, but they contain plenty of other chemicals, such as tar and nicotine, which effect the body in negative ways (
If I compare marijuana with some hard drugs, which I refuse to be legalized, because they are very dangerous for people, it is impossible to overdose on marijuana and die. According to experiments, forty thousands times strong dose of THC than one marijuana cigarette (or one joint) includes, would killed a mouse. (Chebsk denk) As I have mentioned, marijuana is still illegal in our country and it means that marijuanas smokers are punished. And what good does imprisonment do to those, mostly very young people? Two years ago, I read about a boy, who was only 19 years old and was arrested, because he gave marijuana to his friends. He was kept in prison only for few months and then the president amnestied him. However, he was so stigmatized by the imprisonment, that he commited suicide. Its generally known that young people smoked marijuana, smoke and will smoke and I think it is stupid to punish them. If marijuana is not legalized for public use, it should be at least be open to medical use.
Cannabis was used as a cure in China and India six thousand years ago. President George Washington grew marijuana for self-consumption, British queen Victoria used marijuana to mitigate menstrual pain and according to the latest hypothesis, Jesus healed his patients with marijuana (Chebsk denk).
As I have mentioned, marijuana has many negative effects on a humans body. Some of these effects include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of coordination, increased heart rate, anxiety and panic attacks. Using marijuana for a long time damages intellect, causes loss of motivation to whatever including sex and marijuana smokers have lazier sperms (
However, there are several diseases which marijuana can be used for: disseminated sclerosis, cancer treatment, AIDS, glaucoma, depression, epilepsy, migraine headaches, asthma, pruritis, sclerodoma and severe pain. One chemical, cannabinol, may be useful to help people who cannot sleep.
( Marijuana may help stop some pain, that is why it is very useful for people who have AIDS or some kind of cancer and are on chemotherapy. These people live with the fact that they are eventually going to die. Their death comes slowly and painfully. Each day they take pills that provide temporary relief, but in the long run, they only make matters worse. THC contained in marijuana evokes feelings of relaxion, euphoria and dreaminess and it also relieves the muscles. Cricks are typical for people with Parkinss syndrom or disseminated sclerosis. (Chebsk denk) To sum up, legalization of marijuana would have many advantages such as the fall of the black market and the government might control it.
There are also some disadvantages such as health problems connected with smoking marijuana. However, I hope that marijuana will be legalized as soon as possible. If it will not be legalized for public use, I believe that it will be legalized for medical use. Im persuaded that marijuana is not so dangerous as many people think. I think that the government shouldnt solve the question whether to legalize marijuana or not, but it should inform people about marijuana and other drugs, because I think that it is not the danger of the drug that makes marijuana illegal, it is just the misinformed people who prevent it from being legalized. And most importanly, unlike cigarettes, marijuana only endangers the user and not the public, so if someone wants to take the drug, why should anyone else stop him?.