Issues that surround the dramatic declines of species are complex, often conflict-laden, and not easy to reverse. However, one can learn from past practices, improve performance, and avoid the problems common to endangered species conservation. Outline Introduction Body Species extinction causes Florida panthers Tigers and snow leopards Turtles Conclusion Endangered Wildlife As human population and needs (real or perceived) expand, the globe becomes scarred by a deadly scythe. Our planet is losing its diversity of life at a rate unparalleled in recent times (Myers 1988).
The habitats we increasingly harvest, such as tropical forests and wetlands, are often the crucibles of biotic richness. Is this loss simply fate? Are Homo sapiens following some specific manifest destiny? Should people just accept the trend and go about their daily business? After all, dont people simply represent one species on the planet, all of which are struggling for survival? I think that people should do everything possible to preserve wildlife diversity. Extinction can be a natural process.
Indeed, the vast majority of species that ever existed are now extinct. In light of this, some people have justified the growing global impoverishment of species by arguing that because extinction is a natural process, the extinction of modern species is simply a continuation of a normal phenomenon. Yet historically, typical, or background extinction rates usually have been lower than the rate at which new species evolved (except during extinction spasms).
But because modern extinction rates are roughly 1,000 times higher than background extinction rates (Myers 1988), today only a handful of people deny that the planet is in, or rapidly approaching, an extinction spasm. The Florida panther is on of the most endangered animals. There are approximately 50 panthers left. Florida panthers are subspecies of North American cougars. Florida panthers remain hidden away in the great cypress swamps. Some of the largest patches of remaining prairie grasses sway on reservation lands.
One half of all reservation lands in the United States is still forested, much of it old-growth. If Florida is willing to give up a culture of strip malls, then the panthers might have a chance. Tigers and snow leopards are greatly admired and prized for their beauty, their strength, and their power; however, today both species are among extinct species. There are very few real tigers left. They are at a severe disadvantage in a human-dominated world and their inability to adapt has turned tigers into endangered species. Snow leopard bone is rapidly replacing fur as a marketable item.
Like tiger bone, it is used in traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate maladies ranging from epilepsy and rheumatism to impotence. Easily dried, preserved, and transported, bone can be taken to lucrative city markets and traded with varying degrees of official ignorance, disregard, or even open collusion. Snow leopard bones reach mainland China from India and Nepal, as well as economically hard-pressed states like Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, often with the assistance of development workers. In spite of the conventional wisdom, hunting provides an explanation for the plight of relatively few endangered species. Most endangered species are victims of unintentional harms rather than of direct and conscious actions, such as those associated with hunting. Some plant species, for example, are naturally rare and live only in a single, isolated area.
There are 94 species of Asian freshwater turtles. Three-fourths of all Asian freshwater turtles are now among endangered species list. The most extinct is the Yunnan box turtle this animal according to some scientists has disappeared years ago but has only now been declared as extinct. Conservationists demand more effective measures to protect these turtles, which are heavily exploited in Asia for food and traditional medicine. National recovery plans have not been developed, with the exception of Indias Snow Leopard Conservation Scheme that listed 14 core snow leopard reserves totaling 15,000 km2 or 16% of potential snow leopard habitat. Despite growing recognition of the current extinction crisis and the importance of biological diversity, there is a continuing loss of ground in the effort to conserve the amazing array of life inhabiting our planet.
Efforts to conserve life forms appear to be less effective than they could be — and certainly less effective than they must be if they are to prevent future extinctions. People should do everything possible to encourage behavioral change to protect biological diversity, which is possible through education. Unfortunately, educational campaigns to increase awareness of extinction-related issues are notably ineffective, perhaps because they are complex.
Jordan, Dennis. Mercury Contamination: Another Threat to the Florida Panther, Endangered Species Technical Bulletin, 15 (2), pp. 1, 6.
Myers, N. 1988. Tropical forests and their species: Going, going ? Biodiversity, ed. E.O. Wilson. Washington DC: National Academy Press.
Rosenzweig, M.L. 1995. Species diversity in space and time. New York: Cambridge University Press. Box Turtle Care and Conservation Webpage, Extinct Tigers, Scientists In Action – Bringing Back the Florida Panthers, anthers.html Florida Panthers in the Everglades,