Islam and The Nation of Islam, How different are they? Islam by virtue of a lot of the historical, socio-political, cultural and psychological reasons is closely connected to destinies of Arabian peoples. Islam for them is more, than religion. Many traditions, customs and laws of Islam are directly or indirectly connected to the history of Arabs and other peoples which have absorbed Islam. Before becoming one of world religions, Islam was and remains a set of thinking and traditions of Arabs. Its universality excludes national, breeding, patrimonial, racial limitation. Islam remains a one of the main bases of preservation of spiritual unity of Arabs and Moslems.
Idea of Muslim unity is that people professing Islamic values belong to one nation – Islamic umma. (3) Islam challenged to ethnic principle, putting forward as a basis for people association not consanguinity, but an adherence to spiritual values of an Islam. The absence in the Islamic doctrine of instructions on distinctions of national attributes does not mean that in a Muslim society there was no national distinction. The national feeling, customs, traditions, national consciousness, national language and culture, clothes, music, cookery were kept. However high religiousness, Islamic education, Islamic way of life at peoples which have accepted an Islam, without serious consequences smoothed national distinctions, absorbed national irreconcilability. (3) Islam as the world religion has the adherents among many nations in the world. At the same time these peoples have the national languages, the form of clothes, cookery, customs, and anthropological types. Thus, national distinctions and features do not create any handicaps to general Moslem principles and unity. Islam does not recognize racial distinctions and the superiority of one people, the nation, ethnic groups above others inside Islam. However social, political and economic rivalry for the political state above the Muslim world takes place.
However, it is not religious struggle. Though this rivalry is painful in histories of Muslim peoples, but any of them is not bought for Islamic values, all of them protected and developed Muslim culture and spiritual values of Islam.(2) The Nation of Islam is a sectarian, militant religious movement professing ideas of Black Nationalism and separatism in the USA. It was founded in 1930 in Detroit by the peddler of fine goods, who then became popular under the name of Elijah Mohamed (Wallace Dodd Ford).
He declared that he brought true religion to black people of Asia and Africa which will release them of oppression by whites by familiarizing with true “self-knowledge”. He taught his followers, that they were not Americans, should not feel a fidelity to the American flag, should not participate in elections or serve in the American army. They should consider themselves to be citizens of the lost and again revived Nation of the Islam, the purpose of which is to create a separate nation of black people somewhere in USA or Africa.
The first temple of Islam was based in Detroit. The members of “The Nation of Islam were called black Moslems”. Mohamed has truly groped a sore point of black people mentality resulting from uncertainty of their identity and hatred to themselves because of white populations racism humiliations; the panacea which he offered them was the creation of the separate black nation. Mohamed taught that the white person is “a devil by nature”, not capable to respect anyone who is not white, and he is a historical and constant source of harm and sufferings for blacks. Members of sect learned, that blacks were true people, and whites were born as a race – hybrid, caused by the mad black scientist. They ostensibly managed to gain the upper hand over blacks for some time.
But once the end of this will come, and black people will be the winners of the future war between races and will return the former superiority. Talking about the religion Islam and the organization the Nation of Islam, one cant but touch upon the question: what is the difference between the real Islam and the Islam within the organization and why did the organization choose Islam to profess? As much as the ideas and teachings of the NOI are strange and incoherent, so is the fact that such a large amount of human beings from the so-called most ‘civilized and developed’ country in the world choose to follow it! Strangeness is often attractive to desperate people, who can see no other way out of their dilemma except through a fanciful mouthful of lies and exaggerations. Perhaps it brings them, for a moment, out of the mundaneness and injustice of the modern world into the realm of fantasy and fiction; taking them from the depths of human degradation to ‘god hood’. (Loeb 34) It is important to say, that Wallace Dodd Ford (the creator of the NOI) was well-appointed to lead his congregation of millions through the imaginary realm of the preposterous, as he was in fact an incompetent con-man, who finished his teaching in the art of imposture and cheating in Prison. After his release he became a liar of the higher degree, whom he later called Elijah Mohamed and by blending their resourceful potential for immorality and fraud, thought out a plan, principle and tactic to raise the value of the browbeaten people to the heights. He just called these maltreated, exploited masses ‘gods’. Now that definitely seemed like a no fail arrangement. In order to have stability they had to get a long-term reputable and rational way of life; the only really monotheistic creed in the world, to use as a protection of uprightness against their polytheism. So their choice was Islam.
Below there are some points that plainly show the fact that the NOI and Islam are totally conflicting to each other: -The NOI states that Allah appeared in the person of W. Fard Mohamed in 1930. (The era of depression, when people assumed almost anything they were offered) The Koran says in 4:36 “Serve Allah and join not Any partners with Him.” And again in 6:103 “No vision can grasp Him.” – The NOI believes in a cerebral reappearance not a corporeal rebirth. The Koran states in 20:55 “From the earth did We create you, and into it shall We return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again.” In 64:7 the Koran says, ” The unbelievers think that they will not be raised up (for judgment), Say, “Yea by my Lord, Ye shall surely be raised up: then shall ye be told (the truth) of All that ye did. And that is easy for Allah.” -The NOI says that black people are gods. Islam believes in the absolute superiority of Allah. -The NOI says that ‘Islam’ is only for blacks.
The Koran and the sunnah of Prophet Mohamed keep worldwide brotherhood not considering the color etc. -The NOI says that Elijah Mohamad is the last prophet. In real Islam, prophethood ended with Mohamed 1400 years ago. (1) As can be undoubtedly understood, the philosophy of the NOI has nothing to do with the religion Islam. The religious group of the NOI comes from pure and uncontaminated racism and hunger for money and power. The harms of white primacy have been replaced by the troubles of black superiority. (Greene p5) One of the biggest frauds of our time, is being undertaken by a group who call themselves the ‘Nation of Islam!’ They and their teachings have nothing to do with Islam and it remains a mystery why they insist on being called thus. Their association with Islam can be likened to a person going into a department store and buying a dish washer.
Then the salesperson returns with a washing machine. When questioned about this strange response, the salesperson replies, ‘But it looks the same! The body is square and it washes, doesn’t it!?’ The reality is that the inner workings of the machine are different and cannot be used for the same purposes. (Greene p7) Instead of being a winner of the masses as it says, the NOI has become a master of their deceit. They say that within the NOI there is very little Islam but in real fact, Islam must be treated as a only way of life; obedience to the Creator. According to George Black, It is not possible to take a portion of its columns and put them to a facade, when what actually lies beneath that facade is immorality and polytheism.(Black p.37) Works Cited (1) The nation of Islam – fact or fraud??, Copyright by Velma Cook (2) Loeb Sandra the Nation of Islam New York 2000 (3) Greene Ronald The religion and its imitation Washington 2001 (4) Black George what do we know about The Nation? New York 2000 Bibliography 1. The nation of Islam – fact or fraud??, Copyright by Velma Cook 2. Loeb Sandra The Nation of Islam New York 2000 3.
Greene Ronald The religion and its imitation Washington 2001 4. Black George What do we know about The Nation? New York 2000 5. Winsleph Martha The Islam and Christianity Washington 1998 6. Stobart George The religion of Islam New York 2002.