Take for instance the use of birth control so subdue over population. For Christian, they will see this as something sinful. This only led to others believing that religion is rigid, traditional, and close-minded and too controlling. There is also a view that religion is illogical believing in something that we can’t see. As people become smarter they try to question the existence of god or any other creator. Science becomes the truth. It is logical and proves the existence of things through facts and studies. And something of supernatural entity like god does not exist. Hence, religion is wrong for believing in gods.
However science and religion are not opposites. Science seeks to understand and know things, basically the origin of all – meaning they believe in the existence of a creator and so does religion. If anything, science is proving the very existence of ‘god’. They are proving that god work in a scientific way. They might use different terms to address ‘god’ but the very thing that they are finding for the creator only proves that science and religion believe in the same thing. Religion believes and science proves it. The mindset that religion is just rituals and ceremony and too traditional should be reconsidered.
Today it is more than that. Some people don’t practice the tradition but they believe in the philosophy. What is important is to believe in and know what is important in out life and integrate it in religious teachings. Having fear in god help one in self-control and make one do thing morally. For instance someone who fears god would keep himself from committing sins while someone who isn’t won’t be bothered if he kills or steals or do any sins. Likewise someone who believes in god would be compassionate enough to help others and be forgiving. Thus religion plays an important role in a society.
Furthermore one can say that religion is the basic foundation in every society. Laws and rules are based on what is right or wrong – basically on morality – something that the teaching and doctrine on religion taught us. Without this foundation the world would be in chaos, doing whatever they want – murders and thievery won’t be deemed a crime and punishable. Therefore we need this basic teachings and philosophy originating from our respected religion. To summarize, religion would always have a place in today’s society. It is the core foundation of the society and as long as its philosophy is understood religion will continue to evolve.