G is an environmental friendly technology Introduction 4G system is a platform to provide higher bandwidth, higher data transfer rate, user-friendly, innovative security application. According to its core technologies, the paper mainly analyses some aspects and describes some explanations on its environmental friendly characteristics. Environmental friendly technology Environmental friendly technology, also known as the “green technology”, focuses on the new scientific and technical methods, which should be conducive to the Earth.
A product or technology should be sustainable, conservation of natural resources, recycling, produce waste and pollution as little as possible, and do not hurt people, when it is considered environmental friendly. [1] 4G technology There is no uniform or unique definition of 4G so far. A general explanation is that “Fourth Generation mobile technology ( 4G ) is a set of standards for providing broadband Internet access to devices like cellphones and tablets. ”[2] 4G is a set of 3G and WLAN, be able to meet all the users’ requirements for wireless service.
The principal difference between 4G technology and the previous standards, such as the 3G technology, is the data transfer speeds. The download speed of 4G systems can reach 100Mbps which is 2000 times faster than today’s dial-up Internet, upload speed also can reach 20Mbps. [3] Up to 2011, only two official 4G mobile technologies was ordered: LTE-Advanced and WiMAX Release 2. Analysis of environmental friendly 4G is an environmental friendly technology because the unique characteristics of its some core technologies. * Higher data rates and recycling
The experts forecast “the speed transmission of wireless information of 4G can reach 10Mbps to 20Mbps, even the 100Mbps, which is equivalent to about 10,000 times the transmission speed of the phone”. [4] For example, download a 500M film only 2 minutes, a 5M high-quality songs less than one second! Saving time is also a recycling. The time saved can gain more value. High speed can maximize the resources share and make full use of resources. * Full utilization of resources In the user’s personalized settings, the user can set up a mobile terminal, accordance with their own preferences. 6]It will be a great convenience to people’s lives. For example: watches, wallets, scarfs, eyewear, any one you can see are likely to become the 4G terminal. The characteristic also can save room and full use of resources. People maybe need only a mobile instead of books, computers, even wallet. Also the multipurpose of material is a kind of environmental friendly. * Reduce noise and reduce radiation OFDM technology is developed to reduce this frequency selective fading. Both the quality and the data rate of the communication can be improved by applying MIMO system. 7] Thus, it supplies clearer communication quality which can reduce noise and radiation. It is a great benefit for people. * Low-cost, high-performance 4G phones should be regarded as a small computer, which supports more service and applications. Instead of the phone presented, 4G phones should be more intelligent and more natural. [7] And with respect to the other technologies, 4G deployment is easier, cause the 4G not only solve the compatibility issues with 3G , but also introduces a number of advanced communication technologies, in order that the 4G can provide a very high flexibility for system operation.
The production is low-cost, although it realize high-performance. Low-cost is the important point of environmental protection. Conclusion Through the discussion, that 4G is an environmental friendly technology can be concluded. The advanced technologies is the main reasons, which support better users’ experience, more convenient lives and more environmentally friendly environment. Reference: [1] Mandi Rogier. What Is Environmentally Friendly Technology? Retrieved December 9, 2012, from wiseGEEK. Web site: http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-environmentally-friendly-technology. htm [2] John Lister.
What Is 4G Mobile Technology? Retrieved December 9,2012, from wiseGEEK. Web site: http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-4g-mobile-technology. htm [3] 4G Retrieved December 9, 2012, from baike. Web site: http://www. baike. com/wiki/4G [4] Nick Rittenhouse, Drew Winfield. (April 9, 2011) PLASMA SILICON ANTENNAS: THE FUTURE OF MOBILE INTERNET University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering Eleventh Annual Freshman Conference. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from IEEEXplore. Web site:http://136. 142. 82. 187/eng12/history/spring2011/pdf/1298. pdf [5] Simone Frattasi, Hanane Fathi, Frank H. P Fitzek, and Ramjee Prasad.
Defining 4G Technology from the User’s Perspective Retrieved December 9, 2012, from IEEEXplore. Web site: http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/stamp/stamp. jsp? tp=&arnumber=1580917 [6] Mohsin Jamil, Shahan Parwaiz, Shaikh Mohsin Shahzad, Qasim Awais. 4G: The Future Mobile Technology Retrieved December 9, 2012, from IEEEXplore. Web site:http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/stamp/stamp. jsp? tp=&arnumber=4766729 [7] Bill Krenik. ( November 3-5, 2008) 4G Wireless Technology: When will it happen? What does it offer? Retrieved December 9, 2012, from IEEEXplore. Web site:http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/stamp/stamp. jsp? tp=&arnumber=4708715