Introducing Popular Culture and Media Outline: Cultural Studies and Its Evolution On Cultural Consumption, Production and Media Gender Studies and Issues = = = = = = = = = = = Cultural studies, which many of us can hardly comprehend, can be about anything from norms, traits, and a nations sexuality, race to even economic behavior of a particular segment of a society. This particular branch of sociology was developed for the academic understanding and applicability of the said branch of knowledge. This specific branch of the social sciences is deeply rooted on structure, class and politics. It was a very popular science in Russia during the post-Soviet period; the government introduced it to the academe then encouraged and fully motivated everyone to its acceptance in the field. In Stuart Halls Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms, Culture is defined as “the sum of the available descriptions through which societies make sense of and reflect their common experiences”(59).
This emerged as a response to a particular state of affairs in Britain in the 50s, in reference to the New Left Agenda that positioned politics of intellectual work at the center of cultural studies.
Hall also defined cultural studies on another perspective, culture being “the study of relationships between elements in a whole way of life” and that which “refers to social practices” (60).
Or in other words, what he was trying to say is that the inter-connections of social practices is, culture. Hall identified the two paradigms of cultural studies as Culture and Structure; these two are differentiated by the approach and comprehension as to their applicability, but both of these elements are thinking forward. Neither one of them will do alone for they both address the core issues of cultural studies and their co-existence serves in bridging each others effort and operation in applying them to contemporary social issues. Other components of cultural studies are the so-called Cultural Consumptions, Productions and Media. These governs all the supply and demand of a certain culture based on their preference, taste, class, sexuality and whatnot that are chosen to balance the humanistic and sometimes egocentric odyssey of any given culture to any perspective in any way possible. Consumptions can be anything from spiritual, material and social necessities as long as it tries to understand and deliver the demands and desire — be it global, local or personal of the consumers.
Take for instance the case of The Sony Walkman story, its conception was a result of a thorough cultural understanding to cater to the human wants for music and social advancement. And although its first concept and target was only for the common class or structure, nonetheless, it later came out to cater to the global demands. Cultural studies along its progress and development and due to the growing consciousness of not only the social scientists but ordinary individuals as well, there emerged alongside it a more radical theme, feminism, that had revolutionized and eventually was incorporated into Gender Studies. It promotes a more democratic understanding of culture and acts as an exercise of criticism to dominant ideologies. The development of gender studies and issues evolved from the feminist notion of Almira Ousmanova. On her article The ruins of Orthodox Marxism: Gender and Cultural Studies in Eastern Europe, she discussed the inequity of cultural studies at that time because of its apparent avoidance of sexuality and feminist agenda.
This introduction of the sexuality and feminist issues into cultural studies was either resisted or welcomed. In Asia, due to its predominant conservative cultures and structures, embracing this liberalization is like a trickle from a dripping faucet. Europe, where early radical transformation was staged, adopted the notion easily though it is another story when it comes to the post-Soviet States; due to the latters class and structure, its tolerance to liberalism was not as vigorous as that of the former. Gender studies shows that at there are times when consumptions is abused, in most cases, by those who occupy the higher strata or by those who are rich and famous. For instance, Paris Hilton, the heiress of Hilton Hotels and Real Estates magnates, on her pursuit to uphold and maintain the reputation of the western culture, the euphoria to avail different media has come to the extent of pornography and front page banner occurrences. The seemingly limitless access to cultural production, consumption and media of the westernized world seemed justified due to its culture thus, has become acceptable and understandable in other cultures, too.
From this standpoint, we can say that gender studies console cultural studies, being the most active agenda thereon. The modern world justifies the end by the means, while morality are on the sideways and lastly, cultural has now become commercial. Works Cited During, Simon. The Cultural Studies Reader. 2nd ed. London; New York: Routledge, 2003. Edgar, Andrew and Peter Sedgwick.
Cultural Theory: The Key Concepts. 2nd edition. NY: Routledge, 2005. Grossberg, Lawrence, Cary Nelson, and Paula A. Treichler. Cultural Studies. New York: Routledge, 1992. Hall, Stuart.
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