SDI/SDLC/SD: PROCLANG ASSIGNMENT 1 The starting point is to carry out a Feasibility Study, which is fundamentally the introductory analysis. The analysis is an assessment of the technical suitability of the order telephone system and is also a check on the technical viability. The report might incorporate a Cost Benefit Analysis, which can be a good source of feedback about the project, if the project requires it. The method has to go through a vigorous System Analysis that details the systems operations of past, present or new. The analysis structure is basically the tasks set, which can include stating the facts and modelling them in a concise manor. The models that are produced of the system may be summarised as either physical or logical models.
The process of System Design is essential to flow of the Software Life Cycle. It is the combination and selection of design options with regard to Output, Input, Files, Procedures and Controls based on logical design requirements which have been selected to meet the identified system objectives. These days Program Design is roughly captivated within the boundaries of primary structures of Sequence, Selection, and Iteration. Program Structure can be illustrated using such tools as: – Data Flowcharts, Structure Diagrams (JSP), Warnier-Orr Diagrams, Nass-Schneidermann Charts, Pseudo Code, and Structured English. The Implementation is the final stage of the cycle, which consists of steps involved in turning written system into a working system. It is considered to repeatedly incorporate the steps of: – System testing, User trials and training, Data conversion and hand over.
However, other definitions believe the term Implementation is restricted to the final stage, which is the hand over. The method of handing over a system can be put in different classes: – Direct, Pilot, Stage or parallel. There could also be different combinations of the underlined and italic methods. System Maintenance speaks for itself, as it is there to make sure the system meets all objectives set. A system may stop meeting its objectives over a period of time because of different factors. Hardware damage, Software errors, changed user requirements, New hardware, File overloads, Obsolescence, New operating systems and New business standards, are all factors that can stop the system achieving its objectives. 2) In a linear cycle there can be many points where recurrent iteration (where loops are created) may occur. A large number of cases show that facts are not discovered at the right point.
Where assumptions are made that are later on found to be inaccurate, where requirements are not specified properly or other information becomes available which renders some of the previous work or stages incorrect in whole or in part. These points should be re-worked, because any product undertaken and the validity of the work itself within the life cycle have calculable life span and therefore, the system must be re-engineered at some later point. The Order Processing module has the task of Authenticating each customer, checking customer order is in stock, if not ordering through supplier. The module also has the duty of updating stock level and updating customer account. The Customer Details module deals with changes upon the customer account such as: – change of address, different telephone number, if customer is in credit or debt. The Payment module acts upon all type of payment, it retain details of how the customer is going to pay for the order via credit card or direct debit or cash. The module deals with all financial transactions for the customer. The Enquiries module is closely linked to the customer details, which holds the answer to most general enquiries.
It deals with all customer queries on products, costs and the status of deliveries. System Flow Chart: – Review Top Level DFD Above Files Required: – Order File, In Stock File General Description: -Records the order details on the computer screen or on an order form WRITE order line details on order form WRITE order line details on order file System Flow Chart: -Review Top Level DFD Above Files Required: -Stock Files, Out of Stock Files General Description: – Checks Stock level to see if they need replenished, if customer order is in stock If quantity =* Current stock levels THEN WRITE new stock levels to stock file WRITE product Id OR product description Program Name: – Update Customer Account System Flow Chart: – Review Top Level DFD above Files Required: -Customer Account File General Description: – Update customer balance with use of order form Process Outline: – GET customer account file Calculate order amount by multiplying price by quantity WRITE order amount to customer account 5) White Box testing checks to see if a program-code structure and logic is defective. The test method is only affective if the user knows what the requirements of the program is, so they are able to tell if the end result is defective. The user can see if the program reaches its original objective. The method of white box testing does not have justification for errors caused by omission, and all visible code should be readable. Black Box testing verifies if a program achieves its required specifications by detecting errors or omissions, at points where the program spec is not fulfilled. Integration is testing how the program runs when all aspects of the specification are combined, to see whether or not the program works properly. There is no program specification for 1.1 because that module is a pre-written system, where the user has no control over the task being carried out.