1. QUIZ 1 (5%)
2. QUIZ 2 (5%)
3. TEST 1 (10% of Final Examination)
The test will cover Microeconomics. It will be on Monday, 11 March, 2013. Proposed time: 8.15 – 9.15 p.m.
Proposed Venue: Test Room 1, Block N (time and venue to be confirmed).
4. TEST 2 (10% of Final Examination)
The test will cover Macroeconomics. It will be on Monday, 8 April, 2012. Tutorial time 12-1 p.m. Proposed Venue: To be determined.
5. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT TOPIC ( 10% of Final Examination)
i. Define a market.
ii. Discuss on the current property/ housing market in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
iii. Assume there is an influx of local and foreign labour in Kuala Lumpur. By drawing demand and supply curves, analyze and explain its impact on the market for private housing.
iv. Assume there is a sudden increase in the price of cement for the construction of condominiums in Kuala Lumpur. By drawing demand and supply curves, analyze and explain its impact on the condominium market.
No. of pages: 3- 4 pages
Spacing: 1.5
Font: Arial size 12
Date of submission: 4 March, 2013
6. GROUP PROJECT PAPER TOPIC ( 20% of Final Examination)
Do a literature search on Budget 2013 for Malaysia. Analyze and discuss the impact of this budget on the Malaysian society from micro-economic and macro-economic perspectives.
No. of pages: 15-20
Spacing: 1.5
Font: Arial size 12
Date of submission: Thursday, 11 April 2013
Kindly submit your group members’ names (5- 6 members per group) by Tuesday, 26 February, 2013.