GYM PERIOD 3 How does Creatine affect your body? How does Creatine affect your body? Creatine affects our body in several different ways. Creatine can provide additional energy for your muscles, of your muscles, buffer lactic acid build-up, and enhance protein synthesis. Creatine can also help stimulate growth in muscles and increase the user’s strength, even while doing your normal workouts. Creatine can also be taken in a variety of ways. Creatine can affect your body in a negative way when taken excessively.
Normally, one should not take more than 20 grams at a time. Your liver and kidneys may become damaged from taking too much and can also cause you an upset stomach, muscle pains, diarrhea, and dehydration. However, drinking plenty of water can minimize most of those effects. Creatine has been known to provide additional energy for your muscles. Our body has a compound called ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), which is an energy-containing compound. The ATP reaction releases energy in the body very quickly.
This is a good thing, especially during an intense work out, when your body needs the most energy. Carbohydrates can give you energy, but it comes at a slower pace. When the muscles are using ATP for energy, a chemical process occurs where the ATP is broken down into two simpler chemicals, ADP (adenosine did-phosphate) and inorganic phosphate. This process of ATP turning into ADP releases the energy, which allows your muscles the ability to contract. It takes the ATP about 10-15 seconds to produce a maximum exertion and then ADP is not able to create more energy for your muscles. This is where creatine or creatine phosphate (CP) becomes most useful.
When taking CP, you should know that the majority of creatine that is stored in the muscles, bonds with abundant phosphorus stores in the muscles, and then is converted into CP. CP is able to react with the ADP in your body and turns “useless” ADP back into the “useful” energy source ATP. The more ATP present in the body means more fuel for the muscles. Studies have shown that of your muscles is just a process of pulling fluids into the muscles cells in order to increase the volume of the muscles. This volume also leads to an increase in body weight. Buffer lactic acid-build up helps build up muscle during exercise.
This leads to that burning feeling you get in your muscles. Research has found a complicated process of the creatine bonding with a Hydrogen ion that helps delay the build up of lactic acid, but more research is needed to see if this is factual. Researchers also say that creatine helps put the body in a more anabolic state where protein synthesis can occur. The more protein synthesis occurs the greater the muscle gains. There are different ways in taking creatine. You can take creatine in a variety of forms including powder, liquid serum, pills, and gum.
Taking creating in powder form is not as effective when you mix it with juice or water because the powder does not dissolve completely. This leaves a very gritty taste making it harder for the stomach to digest, unless you take a certain type of creatine that is in a micron ized powder form. The liquid or serum works effectively, but liquid creatine is hard to make. If liquid creatine is just mixed in a liquid, it starts to breakdown into a Creatine after a period of 20 minutes.
So, in order to make liquid creatine effective, the creatine must be stabilized. If the creatine is stabilized, it will not break down into a waste product – and will remain as creatine mono hydrate. Creatine that is not used in the body will eventually be converted into Creatine and excreted from the body. The creatine pill is just about the same as the powder, however, it is easier to take, but the dosage is hard to maintain. The creatine gum is not that popular. The creatine is released as you chew and yields better absorption rates.
The different types of creatine are creatine mono hydrate, creatine phosphate, and creatine citrate. Researchers have shown that there are differences in the creatine… Creatine mono hydrate is composed of 88% creatine bound with 12% water, which translates to 880 milligrams of creatine per gram. Creatine phosphate is 62. 3% creatine and 37. 7 % phosphate, which means it takes only 1 gram to produce 623 milligrams of creatine.
For creatine phosphate to work effectively it needs to bond with the phosphate group. Creatine Citrate is 440 milligrams of creatine per gram. Studies have found that creatine citrate has fewer milligrams of creatine per gram than creatine mono hydrate and creatine phosphate. Creatine citrate also works better. Creatine citrate absorbs 90% while creatine mono hydrate absorbs only 40%. Using creatine does have beneficial effects.
It can help build muscle mass in a short period of time. Certain forms of creatine can also release energy your body needs at a quicker rate than other dietary supplements. The only thing you need to be aware of is the amount you ingest. Taking too much creatine can cause many health problems, while small doses periodically can help build a lot of muscle.