James Allen once said that “all that we accomplish or fail to fail to accomplish with our life is the direct result of our thoughts”. Therefore, we should start thinking of our goals in life so that we can direct our behaviors towards it. I am very clear of my goals in the next ten years. I can see myself have achieved my ambition, posses many new skills as well as undergoes changes in my appearance and personality. First and foremost, in the next ten years, I can picture myself in a hospital, wearing a white coat with a stethoscope on my neck, walking along to the pediatric ward and enjoy treating small, unhealthy kids, with a smiling face. The ‘smiling face’ indicates that I am being happy and satisfy with my job as I could make a difference in someone’s life in the way helping them to regain their health and happiness. Therefore, in the next ten years, I can see myself already achieved my glorious ambition which is to be a pediatric.
Secondly, as I promised to my Alma Mater, I can imagine myself have learned many new things and skills. For example, maybe I have a good cooking and culinary skills, able to cook not only Eastern foods but also Western foods. Besides that, I can picture myself being linguistic, able to speak different languages fluently especially French. I also can see myself playing ‘veenai’, an Indian musical instrument very well and perform in many stage shows. Therefore, in the next decade, I might see myself have learned more things. Thirdly, I can see myself undergoes a few changes in my appearance as well as personality.
In the next ten years, I can see myself as a beautiful woman with straightened hair and wearing contact lens instead of spectacles. In the case of personality, I can imagine myself being a great communicator and interested in serving humanity. Therefore, in the next ten years, I think I might undergo better changes in my appearance and personality. In a nutshell, our life is what our thoughts make it. I hope that I can see myself as I thought now in the next ten years. In order to achieve my goals, I am ready to put in more efforts and struggle a lot.