George Washington Carver was a good innovator and developed many useful agricultural products. Carver worked with many agricultural and plants. He went to a good college and worked and studied at one. George lived a plantation life in Missouri and studies in Kansas. Carver won awards and had a statue in his honor. The stories of his childhood and his mother will be stated. This information will be presented in this paper. George Washington Carver was born in 1861 near Diamond Grove, Missouri.
Diamond Grove is now called Diamond. Carver was born a slave on the Moses Carver farm. His parents were Moses and Susan Carver. His life changed when the war was over. There are stories of George and his mother getting kidnapped. Susan and infant George were kidnapped by the nightriders and taken to Arkansas during the Civil War. George was found when there was a search, but there was a ransom. George was traded back for a racehorse.
When he returned he had the whooping cough. The sickness prevented George to do heavy slave labor. He spent most of his time in the woods with the flowers. He did chores like sewing and cooking. George loved working in the garden and collecting flowers. Working in the garden and walking in the woods made George do further studies on plants.
After the Civil war ended Carver at the age ten went to school in Kansas. To support himself he worked as a cook and laundry helper. He finished high school then tried to enter Highland University, but they refused because Carver was black. At the age of 30, Simpson College in Iowa took him in. After a year at Simpson, Carver was accepted to Iowa State University. He began to study farm science and plants.
In 1896 George was the very black American to graduate from Iowa State University. He became an instructor and studied plants and soil. In two years Carver got a master degree. Carver was offered many jobs, but accepted one from Booker T. Washington to teach at Tuskegee University. Carver developed crop rotation to keep the soil rich for a good harvest. The rotation made more peanuts and cotton, which the farmers made more money.
The studies help Carver further down the road. Carver found many uses for vegetables. Carver had a great knowledge of plants. He found over 300 uses for the peanut, sweet potato, soybeans, and clay. Farmers got more products from Carvers ideas. There was more peanuts and cotton then normal. Some of the products are synthetic here are some of them axel grease, bleach, buttermilk, chili sauce, and more. These products helped farmers in the south. Carver got many awards in his lifetime. He got awards in agriculture and in Science.
He was also awarded the Spring Arm Medal for colored people. In 1948 the US Postal Service honored him by making a stamp in his honor. In 1943 Carver died and was honored by F.D. Roosevelt by dedicating $30,000 for a national monument. The park is near Diamond, Missouri. Carver died at Tuskegee he was buried on campus next to Booker T. Washington.
Carver won and reached great achievements in his lifetime. George Washington Carver was born a slave. He was kidnapped by nightriders. He studied and taught at Tuskegee. He created different ways to use vegetables. Carver studied at different collages.
All together 300 ways to use vegetable products. Carver did many things in his lifetime.