The Future of Islam When first approached with the question “what the future of Islam is?” my mind raced around many places and had lots of different thoughts. I had no clue what the future of this religion would be I thought there are people for the American Gov. who are being payed a lot of money to figure this out and I don’t think they even know. So I decided to do research to figure out what my opinion on this matter was. I found that there could be different futures for different places, like Islam in the United States and Islam in the Middle East. I found that in the pre 9/11 days Muslims were a proud people and one of America’s largest populations.
Post 9/11 there was a lot of ignorance and hatred towards Muslim people. Most Americans did not know the difference between a law abiding Muslim and one of the terrorists who attacked our country. Soon most Americans were educated in this matter and learned about the religion, and how a Muslims interpretation of the Koran affected what kind of Muslim they were and how they viewed the western civilization. They found that most Muslims are in fact great people and are no threat to our society. They also learned about the radical Muslims that interpret the Koran as saying that they should defend by all means anyone who is a threat to there religion (The United States and the Western World).
I think in America Islam has a bright future where one can practice there religion in peace and where the population understands and respects there religion.
However the future of Islam in the Middle East is a totally different story. In the Middle East the population of Muslims is a lot higher and makes up the majority. There is also a lack of education and money which plays a big part in the future of Islam. There is much ignorance about western society and many people are educated by word of mouth believing what there peers say as fact. this is where a lot of the problems are started. When America invaded Iraq it gave ignorant people confirmation in there minds that western society was bad and was trying to defeat Islam.
Some of the people assume that America is attacking them to take there religion and convert them to our ways, which is not true. Some Muslims take the Koran very literally and read it to say that anyone who kills a Muslim should be killed and anyone who gets in the way of their religion they may be killed also. However there are Muslims who know this is not the right interpretation and see that the radical philosophy is just hurting things. These for the most part are the rich and educated part of the population which is not very big. I feel that the future of Islam is in the hands of the upper class educated Muslims. I think that for the right ideas to be passed to everyone the upper class must lead by example.
It is there responsibility to educate people the best they can. The upper class controls the economy, and the economy controls all the people. If they were to use there wealth and education to spread there knowledge I think Islam will have a very bright future. If they do not act and let the ignorance and hatred spread it might grow to an unthinkable level. It is the duty of the wealthy and educated (including the United States) to turn around the ignorance and help to teach people the peaceful interpretation of the Koran.