Football has impacted our society in many ways. From the early ages in history to present day, sports have had a major impact on society. Football is a very popular sport played in America and many other countries. But not all of the impact that football has brought on society is positive. A lot of the impact is negative. The Superbowl is held on Sundays so most of the people spend their time in front of the t.v. instead of going to church. Domestic violence rises dramadicly after the super bowl. And it has given many people gambling addictions. Sports in society today have had a great impact.
The way we spend our Sundays has changed drastically. Traditionally people would wake up and go to church. They would spend their entire day with God. Sundays used to be a day of rest and a day that is dedicated to God. But now people have forgotten what this day was ment for. People spend their days watching t.v. and football has been a great contributor to this. The Superbowl airs on Sundays so people decide to sit around watching it. They are totally inbursed in the football game giving them an excuse to stay at home, eat, and drink. The super bowl airs for four hours and people are stuck to the t.v. for the whole entire game. Football has had a major impact on our society and because of it people spend their Sundays watching football.
More women are victims to domestic violence during Super Bowl Sunday than on any other day of the year. This is the sad truth that is largely ignored. According to statistics there is a rise in domestic violence during and after the Super Bowl. During the game guys drink and get all hyped up. Football is a relatively aggressive sport which brings out the competitiveness in many people, They have spent hours ruting for a team and then when the team loses people lash out on other in the form of violence. Many are drunk and because of their impaired judgment they may act violently. Football brings an aggressiveness into our society and then that aggressiveness is put out on someone else in the form of violence.
Gambleing addictions is another result that football has brought in our society. The Ipswich Town striker Michael Chopra has revealed he has gambled away up to $2m and played through injury to cover a debt. Many people bet on football games in order to get a larger amount of money but there is only a slim chance that you will win. After losing money some people try to win the money back by placing more bets this eventually leads to a gambling addiction. The Super Bowl is the number one game that people bet on. People get caught up in the thought of wealth and football promotes such thinking. Football has caused many people to get a gambling addiction.
Football has had a great impact on our society but this impact is not that positive. People spend hours in front of their t.v.s. The Super Bowl causes domestic violence to rise. And people get addicted to gambling because of the opportunities football opens up. Football has caused some negative impact on our society.