This film is about a clownfish named Marlin who lives in waters of the Great Barrier Reef with his son Nemo. Marlin is fearful of the dangers that occur in the ocean and struggles to protect his son from these dangers. Nemo on the other hand is a curious young fish that wants to explore the ocean. Nemo is unexpectedly taken away from his home and sent into a dentist office fish tank, scared of what may happen to him. His father now has to become the hero and brave the ocean in order save his son.
Through Marlin and Nemo’s journey, they both encounter separate mentors that provide them with optimism and courage that will help them complete their journey and reunite together as a family. Marlin goes on a journey through the ocean to find his son even though he is afraid. While on his journey he meets a fish named Dory, who acts as his mentor and helper. She teaches Marlin how not to be afraid and keep on going through her humor in many ways. For example, on their way to finding Nemo, they find the mask of the scuba diver who took Nemo.
With Dory’s ability to read she is able to read the information on the mask, which helps Marlin get closer to his son. Another example is when the mask gets dropped down a dark hole, Marlin is discouraged and says he will never find his son now but Dory starts to swim down the hole without any worries. Dory sees that Marlin is upset but she helps him continue by telling him that he has to keep on swimming even if something goes wrong. Marlin is able to get down the hole, forgetting it is dark because of Dory’s humor.
A third example is when Dory finds a whale to ask for directions to Sydney. Marlin is afraid the whale will eat them but Dory calms him down and ensures him if he wants to find his son they have to give it a shot and talk to the whale and hope for the best. Marlin finally trusts Dory and allows her to talk to the whale. The last example is when Marlin and Dory are in the belly of the whale. Dory says they have to go down the whale’s throat but Marlin is in panic, so he olds onto the whales tongue and tries to stop Dory. But Dory being his mentor tells him to just let go and trust that nothing bad will happen. When Marlin finally lets go, they get blown out of the spout and once again Dory helps Marlin face his fears. Therefore, even though there were times where Marlin wanted to get rid of Dory, without her as his mentor he would have not been able to find Nemo. While Marlin is trying to find his son, Nemo is stuck in a fish tank, afraid and wanting his father.
He meets a fish named Gil, who becomes his mentor. Gil teaches Nemo to believe in himself and tries to help Nemo escape into the ocean to find his father. For example, when Nemo gets stuck in the filter tube he asks Gil to help him but Gil refuses saying he can do it himself. Nemo is discouraged saying that he cannot do it because he has a bad fin but Gil shows him his damaged fin and says it never stops him. Once Nemo notices the fin, he begins to believe in himself and is able to get out.
Gil also tries to help Nemo escape by creating a plan that he knows Nemo can accomplish. Nemo, knowing that Gil believes in him, is excited to go along with the plan. In order for them to escape Nemo has to but a pebble in the filter fan to stop it. Nemo attempts to do this and as he tries to swim out of the filter the pebble comes out, sucking nemo back in. In panic, Nemo calls for Gil and he tells him to grab the flower, and encourages him to hold on and not give up. Nemo listens to Gil’s advice and is able to get out.
Lastly, when Nemo is close to getting away, he ends up on the dental tray with no water, Gil sees this and helps him by jumping onto the tray and pushing Nemo into the drain that leads to the ocean. Due to this Nemo is released into the ocean and is able to find his father. Therefore Gil becomes a father figure to Nemo, whom he trusts and learns that he needs to have confidence in himself. Overall, Joseph Campbell noted that those who are called to adventure encounter a protective figure that guides them through their journey. This is evident in the movie Finding Nemo.
Marlin finds Dory, who becomes his mentor, while Gil mentors Nemo. Both these mentors provide assistance and courage to Nemo and Marlin so they are able to find each other and reunite. Marlin learns lessons from Dory to not be afraid, take chances and let go, especially of Nemo. Gil teaches Nemo that he is strong and that he can do things on his own if he believes in himself even if he has a bad fin. Therefore with the support of both Gil and Dory, Nemo and Marlin learn many lessons and are able to reunite together as a family.