P1Explain the ethical issues a business needs to consider in its operational activities. P2Explain the implications for the business and stakeholders of a business operating ethically.
P3Describe the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity P4Examine the ethical concerns of the communities in which a selected business operated M1Assess how a selected business could improve the ethics of their operations M2Assess the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity M3Explain the ethical concerns of the communities in which a selected business operates and suggest measures that could be taken to improve corporate responsibility D1Evaluate the impact of a selected business’s ethical behavior on stakeholders and the business.
Tutor Feedback, suggested improvements and action. Tutor Signature: Date assessed: Student Declaration of Authenticity: I confirm that this is entirely my own work and I have neither copied anyone else’s work nor allowed anyone else to copy my work. Student Signature: Internal Verification Attached to this sheetTasks to be completedGrading Criteria Version: 1Date: 25th September 2013Verified by: Rebecca Woodward Key Skills:Date: Verified by: Scenario: You have recently been employed by a small chain of supermarkets in the North West as a Marketing Officer and have been asked to investigate the ethical issues of the business. The organisation would like to use good
ethical practice and corporate social responsibility to promote the business and need you to investigate a range of issues and businesses. Task 1: Ethical issues Complete the following: 1)Produce a poster which explains the general ethical issues that businesses need to consider in their operational activities. Give examples of how business approach these ethical issues. 2)Choose a business and using their mission statement, corporate aims and objectives etc explain in a written document how the business is currently addressing some of the ethical issues discussed in P1. Are there any issues that are not addressed? How could the business improve its ethical practices?
P1: explain the ethical issues a business needs to consider in its operational activities M1: assess how a selected business could improve the ethics of their operations. DEADLINE DATE FOR TASK 1- 7th March 2014 Task 2: Stakeholders Complete the following: Produce a table which identifies the ethical practices conducted by a business and explain the implications of each practice for the business and the stakeholders. Produce a written document which evaluates the advantages and disadvantages to the business and stakeholders of the business acting ethically. Also examine how the business can deal with any conflicts of interests between the stakeholders.
P2: explain the implications for the business and stakeholders of a business operating ethically D1: evaluate the impact of a selected business’s ethical behaviour on stakeholders and the business. DEADLINE DATE FOR TASK 2- 28th March 2014 ? Task 3 Social Implications Complete the following: For your chosen business produce a detailed mind map which describes the social implications of business ethics within the sales and marketing, human resources, production and finance activities of the business. Produce a written document which assesses the social consequences of a variety of business activities within the marketing, production, human resources and finance departments. Consider implications such as the environment, legal compliance, business aims and objectives and individual stakeholders.
P3: describe the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity M2: assess the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity DEADLINE DATE FOR TASK 3- 2nd May 2014 Task 4 Corporate Responsibility Produce a powerpoint presentation which identifies the ethical concerns of the community in which the business operates and explain each concern in detail and how the business could improve its relations with the community through corporate responsibilities. P4: examine the ethical concerns of the communities in which a selected business operates M3: Explain the ethical concerns of the communities in which a selected business operates and suggest measures that could be taken to improve corporate responsibility DEADLINE DATE FOR TASK 4: – 6th June 2014