Environmental Ethics Inventory It is a strong belief of mine that the responsibility of protecting the environment is much greater on today’s generation than is was for past generations. The reason that I feel the way that I do is because at this point a substantial amount of damage has already been done and in order to prevent any further environmental destruction intervention on our part is necessary. After all, we (humans) are the main cause of the problems; shouldn’t we also be a part of the cure. If we had always taken the environment into consideration prior to our actions we would not be faced with some of the environmental issues we are facing today. The problem started with the past generations but the solution now has to start with us. We have to be overly conscious of our actions and what affect they will have on future generations.
Since we enjoy the rights to breathe fresh air, play in the sun, live among a vast variety of plant and wildlife, then shouldn’t our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and their grandchildren, also have the chance to enjoy those same rights? My answer to that question is yes they do! We owe that to them so we all have to take a stand for our values, morals, ethics and actions regarding the preservation of a healthy and rich natural environment. The responsibilities for past generation regarding the environment was no less than ours today however, the differences are that we are now stuck with the job of correcting the mistakes of past generations, then the population was much smaller than it is today and will be in the future and more people equals potentially more pollution. I can compare this situation to one of a student who starts a class with all A’s and all he needs is to get a passing grade on the final and he will end up with a least a B for the class, verses a student who starts off the class with low B’s and C’s on his tests who will need to get a high B low A to just pass the class with a C. We are the B, C, student who needs an A just to pass the class with a C.
It would be easier for us and less of an emergency if only our past generations would have taken us into the same consideration that we are now trying to for our future generations. It is my assumption that It will be easier for the future generations to maintain a healthy natural environment than to have to repair a damaged one. Population growth is also an important factor in the future quality of life. But it seems to me that the population is not growing at as high of a rate as it has the potential to grow. This is due to the rise of contraceptive use in third world countries. In more economically stable countries couples are waiting until later age to start families and are choosing to have fewer children than their parents.
But on the other hand the population is getting older with the advances in modern medicine and the availability of vaccinations and medical treatments. I believe that due to our (people) past carelessness regarding the environment and our ongoing search for convenience in the present we are hurting our selves in the long run. Reports show that today skin cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death. We have to go to somewhat extreme measures on a daily biases to protect ours skin from the suns harmful ultra violet rays which was not the case for past generations. Sun block did not even exist decades ago and now we can’t imagine life with out it. What needs to be done is we need to take measures to make changes in our actions to prevent worse conditions for future generations.
It was the actions of past generations that lead to the current damage of the ozone layer that is causing the serious skin conditions of the present generation. It will only get worse if we do not take measures to protect what is left of the ozone layer. For if we don’t I can not imagine what will have to be done just to be able to go out into the sun, or what new skin disorders will surface. I can remember a time when I did not pay much attention to issues like automobile pollution and its effect on the environment. I figured that it was not really my problem to try to solve and I could not really see how I being only one person and could really make much of a difference in the long run.
I continued to think that way driving my big gas guzzling, air polluting car everywhere I felt I needed to go. It was not until I received an assignment in a previous class on the pros and cons of hybrid vehicles. While I was conducting my research in order to write the paper I realized the truly harmful effects that automobile pollution has on the environment and the quality of the air we are breathing, especially those of us living in large cities. During my research I realized the small measures that each and every one of us could take that would result in a huge positive outcome. I realized that all it would take was for me to do something as little as riding the bus to work, or car pooling with a couple of people to work or recreational activities. I know it sounds corny but even me doing something as small as planting a tree would be of some help.
I felt like a sort of an authority on hybrid vehicles and how they aid in protecting the environment and help to preserve our oil resources, not to mention how they offer an alternative for future generations who will have the same resources available to them. So know before I just jump in my car to go where I need to go I see about catching a ride with someone else who may be going the same place I try to ride the bus to work or into town when ever I can. I am much more conscious of when and where I drive my car. I feel that I am at an advantage since I live in a big city where I don’t necessarily need to drive in order to get where I need to go I have plenty of options and I have started to use them. In conclusion I understand how important it is to preserve and protect the natural environment. I feel that we owe it to future generations to take measures so that they can potentially live somewhat happy healthy lives.
The measures that we take today to protect the environment will affect us tomorrow and them a lot further down the line. I am willing to take responsibility for my actions today so that tomorrows generations both human and non human can thrive. I am grateful for the organizations like the Earth Day Organization that work to bring environmental issues awareness to everyone. If everyone would simply try to take the smallest measures to preserve and protect our environment I believe it will result in large results.
Reference: Joseph R. Des Jardins, Wadsworth / Thomson Learning. Environmental Ethics 2001.