Overweight Americans face discrimination every day. This type of discrimination is a violation of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII, 42 U. S. C. SS 2000 et seq.
) which “established basic federal law on employment discrimination” (web).
Three major factors contribute to being overweight. These factors are hereditary, medication and ethnicity. An obese person may be entitled to claim disability payments from the Social Security Administration. Discrimination against an employee for being overweight would be wrong when the Social Security Administration recognizes obesity as a disability. Adults who qualify for disability claim it for muscle or skeletal complications.
Severe obesity inflicts the body with pain and affects normal daily activities. When severely obese people find performance in their occupation of choice is compromised and qualifies for disability. Individuals use disability programs for assistance when they cannot commit to normal employment. “The American Obesity Association defends the rights of disabled persons with obesity, because obesity: is a disease, is the second leading cause of premature death, can cause many health conditions such as diabetes and coronary heart disease, is a source of stigmatization and discrimination, can lead to a poor quality of life and impaired mobility, can cause physical and emotional pain that can be disabling” (web).
Companies should not discriminate against anyone with this type of disability since the Social Security Administration considers obesity a disability.
If an obese person can do her job without any inabilities, there should be no reason for an overweight employee to be dismissed. Obesity is a factor of a heredity condition. Obesity is defined “as a weight more than 20% above what is considered normal according to standard age, height, and weight tables, or by a complex formula known as the body mass index” (web).
This condition runs in families but does not mean an individual is predisposed to it.
Some contributing factors to obesity are sedentary lifestyles and poor eating habits. The environmental factor that contributes to overweight problems includes little or no physical activity. Most adults working long hours do not have time for physical activities. Companies should promote physical activities within the organization to help employees become more active.
Psychological factors influence eating habits. Employees who become depressed will overeat. Negative emotions including boredom, sadness, or anger may influence employees eating habits. Employers should offer mental health programs to assist employees when dealing with emotional situations. Certain medications are known to increase weight. Oral Contraceptives, which include estrogen, may cause fluid retention along with increased appetites.
Adults who took steroids as and athlete for long periods, gain weight after the steroid is no longer taken. Mental health medications for such disabilities as bipolar disorders can cause significant weight gain. People with the need for these types of medication should not be discriminated against. Overweight issues involve ethnicity and socioeconomic’s factors. “Obesity disproportionately burdens low-income, ethnic minority populations” stated by Rebecca E. Lee, assistant professor of heath and human performance and lead researcher on the study (web).
A study, by the University of Houston, found that the lack of supermarkets or grocery stores factored into obesity in low income areas. Fresh fruits and vegetables are not available in these areas. Low-income areas only have access to convenience and liquor stores. Healthy food alternatives are not available in these types of locations. Ethnic populations of African Americans and Hispanic Americans, which constitute a large portion of a low-socioeconomic population, were found to be more over weight compared to their white American counterparts. White Americans earn more money per year than other ethnic populations making it easier for them to attain healthy food..