Many argue that killing animals for food should be banned. They say that we humans have no right to control and produce these animals commercially. Instead, they say that we should only eat vegetables and fruits. On the other hand, it is undeniable that in order for humans to have a complete and balanced nutrition, one would require meat in their daily diet as it provides the required proteins for the body to function in a healthy way. I believe killing animals for food should not be banned.
Most vegetarians argue that they can get all the required proteins from lentils alone. Lentils have been known as the protein-rich superfood and are so common that they can be found in almost every single country in the world. Although that may be true, the B12 vitamin can only be found rich in animals. The B12 vitamin is important for the formation and maintenance of healthy red blood cells and nerve cells. Some plants that do contain the B12 vitamin only contain incredibly small amounts of it that is definitely not enough for the body to sustain a high enough level of it. Therefore in order for one to function properly it is important to eat meat.
Many customs and religions in the world such as Buddhism and Hinduism agree that followers should not eat meat and that vegetables and fruits are sufficient in providing energy and nourishment. The reason for not eating meat is that they believe all animals have life. That once you kill an animal, you would have taken away the life source of the innocent animal and injustice would have taken place. However, this leads me on to ask the question – Does that mean plants do not have life? Why the double standard? Plants respire, are sensitive, grow, reproduce, and move at their own will. These functions suggest plants are living things. So why is it okay to kill and eat them and not animals?
Us humans, by eating meat have ensured a large number of animals have had a life that they would not of had otherwise. Increasingly more numbers of animals, although they do get killed, are leading longer and nicer lives.