Differences and Similarities Between Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin (1) The similarities between Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini are as follows: 1) All three leaders despised democracy, which is why they favored authoritarian type of government. Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini used to associate democracy with weakness and they all succeeded at exploiting its weaknesses. 2) The leaders of Germany, Italy and USSR had a negative attitude towards Christianity, because they considered it as religious form of sadomasochism. They thought of Church as competitor, when it came to popularizing their political agenda among people. 3) Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were charismatic individuals, who relied on their supreme ability to control people with the mean of various psychological tricks, in order to win their support. In fact, even today, these three individuals are often being referred to as the most effective orators in the history of humankind. 4) Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini believed that the military might is the most influential factor in history, therefore, they thought of building up a modern military as their foremost priority.
They also never hesitated to use a military force, when it would come to solving geopolitical problems. 5) Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin enjoyed an immense popularity among citizens of their countries. They possessed a strong sense of historical mission, which is why they were not susceptible to corruption, in classical context of this word. (2) Even though that Fascism, Nazism and Communism often appear as having the same external attributes, the essence of these ideologies is diametrically opposite. Communism is nothing but Christianity, adapted to realities of 21st century. It is a doctrine of slavery that strives to conceal its true essence with the mean of economic terminology. Fascism is concept that promotes the sense of belonging to a particular nation as the greatest of all virtues. Nazism, on the other hand, does not only suggest that people need to act as an integral part of society they belong to, but it also implies that it is nations biological quality, which matters the most.
If we keep this premise in mind, it is going to be quite easy for us to define the main differences between Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini. First of all, Stalin thought of his subjects as expendable material, while Mussolini and Hitler worked hard to improve the welfare of Germans and Italians. Even the most hard-core critics on National-Socialism admit that, from time when Hitler came to power to the outbreak of Second World War, Germany underwent a miraculous transition. For the first time in history, German government was able to completely liquidate unemployment. Workers enjoyed unprecedented social benefits, such as paid vacations abroad and free housing. With beginning of Volkswagen Beetle production, cars ceased to be the luxury items in Germany, even before it happened in America. The workers living standards in Germany became highest in the whole world.
The same applies to fascist Italia under Mussolini, although to much lesser degree. At the same time, people in workers paradise, were required to work for 12 hours a day, without holidays and without even being paid. They could not move to another town without special permission. In 1933, there was an artificially organized famine in Ukraine, when 5 million of Ukrainians were being starved to death by Stalins commissars. USSR was the country of cannibals, which strived to impose Communism upon the rest of the world. Stalin was not concerned about anything, besides turning the rest of humanity into slaves, the way he did it in USSR. Therefore, we can say that Nazism and Fascism was nothing but a spiritual vaccine against the threat of Communism. Second of all, Stalin believed in the theory of class struggle, while Hitler used to insist that it is a racial struggle that defines historical dynamics more than anything else. Hitler proved the sheer absurdity of Communism, while entitling German proletariat and bourgeoisie with the sense of belonging to one nation. Mussolini also used to stress out that there is no reason for the people that belong to one nation to start killing each other, only because of their affiliation with different social strata. Therefore, we can say that Nazism and Fascism promote the notion of national solidarity, while Communism denies it altogether and implies that there can be no reconciliation reached between rich and poor.
Third of all, Stalin came to power with the mean of political intrigues, while both Mussolini and Hitler had assumed the political power in their countries as the result of overwhelming majority of citizens giving their votes to them, during elections. It happened because these citizens knew that only a strong leader could prevent Communist agents of influence from taking over Germany and Italy and turning these countries into one of many Soviet republics. Fourth of all, Mussolini and Hitler considered Jews as anti-social elements, because of their strong affiliation with international Communism. This is why, in Germany and Italy Jews were being persecuted. On the other hand, in Stalins USSR, Jews exercised an undisputed political authority. By 1922, 95% of members of Politburo were Jews. It was in time, when Jews constituted only 2% of population in Russia. After the war, Stalin tried to limit Jewish power in Soviet Union and as a result, he was being poisoned in 1953. Finally, neither Hitler nor Mussolini had ever proclaimed that their goal was taking over the world.
Stalin continued to do so, even at the time when he was allied with Britain and U.S. Up until the collapse of the Soviet Union, its symbol used to be hammer and sickle over the globe. Soviet constitution openly stated that USSR only temporarily consists of 15 republics, but it is only the matter of time before all the countries in the world will become part of it. Stalin had the army of 5 million strong and 6 million reservists, who were being secretly transported towards USSRs Western border. By 1941, Soviet Union had 28.000 tanks against German 3.000 tanks, which were obsolete by Soviet standards. Stalin had his armies positioned in immediate proximity to German border. Hitler and Mussolini were able to realize Stalins plans; this is why they had no option but to attack Soviet Union in preventive manner.
Therefore, we can say that the main difference between Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini is that Stalin wanted to destroy Western civilization, as we know it, while Hitler and Mussolini strived to protect it, even though that it did cost them their lives in the end.
Stokesbury, James. A Short History of World War 2 . New York: William Morrow and Company, 1980. The Suppressed Link – Jews and Communism. Chapter 61.
2001. March of the Titans – History of White Race. Stormfront. 5 Nov. 2007. http://www.stormfront.org/whitehistory/hwr61.htm.