Depression is defined as a low sad state in which life seems bleak and its changes overwhelming. When people lapse into a state of depression, they experience different symptoms and not all depressed people have the same symptoms. Symptoms of depression fall into the following five categories: emotional, motivational, behavioral, cognitive and physical. Emotional symptoms can include feelings of intense sadness and feeling dejected. Some people feel miserable, empty, and / or humiliated. The depressed person may cry often, experience anxiety, anger or agitation.
Some depressed people actually feel so bad about their situation; they lose feelings for themselves and affection for their loved ones. Motivational symptoms include any feeling that makes it harder for the depressed person to function in a normal role. They may have no desire to do any activity, even ones they previously enjoyed. They have no initiative to do anything. They may have to force themselves to go to work, go grocery shopping, see friends or do anything they once did. Depressed people may have behavioral signs also.
These are a lack of activity, with the activity done being less and less productive. A depressed person may move very slowly, with reluctance and no motivation. They may walk aimlessly with no real destination known. They may hang their heads and tend to make no eye contact. There are cognitive symptoms associated with depression also. The depressed person feels negatively about himself or herself.
They feel worthless, inferior and wholly inadequate. They feel that the bad things happening in their lives are their own fault and they also feel that the situation will never get better. They feel that nothing will ever improve and they feel helpless over their lives. In addition, they feel they cannot control their futures, so they give up trying. A depressed person may also be easily distracted, confused and unable to remember things. They also feel they cannot communicate with anyone, so they keep their feelings to themselves.
Physical symptoms can accompany depression. The person may feel dizzy or nauseous. They may have diarrhea or constipation. They may complain of indigestion, headache or generalized pain. Sleep disturbances are common in depressed people. They often feel tired all of the time and the fatigue is not alleviated with rest.
They may sleep all of the time or may not sleep at all. Depressed people may also have problems with appetite. They may not be hungry very often or may stuff themselves to make themselves feel better. In summary, depression is a severe disorder with many different symptoms. In many cases, the depressed person cannot help themselves out of the rut they are in. They feel dejected, insecure, hopeless, miserable and empty.
Persons suffering from depression are usually constantly tired and lack initiative to perform any task, even usual daily tasks. They can sleep all the time or not sleep at all. Some depressed people feel so helpless and dejected that they start thinking about or even commit acts of suicide. A person with depression can feel so hopeless that they start thinking about suicide.
Some people feel so indifferent to life that they do not care if they live or die. Some wish to die so they can escape their life. Depression is a scary disorder and people with depression need to get help immediately so they can feel better and get on with an ordinary life.