Decriminalizing Marijuana The problem that is going to be addressed in this paper is controversy that surrounds much debated issue of legalizing and declassifying marijuana, on the level of State policy. Its been observed that Drug Prohibition laws proved to be really ineffective in governments war on drugs. The time came when we need to ask ourselves if this policy doesnt result in reducing the number of drug related crimes, why have it in the first place? Conservative politicians say its unthinkable to even talk about reconsidering our present anti-drug laws. But why is that? When asked to explain their position, they simply reply that legalizing marijuana would constitute a highly immoral act. They are being very inventive, when it comes to convincing people to support todays anti-drug policies, by trying give this issue a much broader meaning they say it is a part of Good fighting Evil. Yet, the nature of this problem is actually very much down to Earth its about money, as usual.
Criminal syndicates are able to operate effectively and make huge profits because of price on any illegal marijuana is way to high for people, not to be tempted to make a lot of money fast. If marijuana would become legalized, the drug pushers would instantly be left without income. It would lead to the State taking over their functions and would enable government to kill two rabbits with one shot to start receiving huge amount in taxes revenue and also to provide consultation and Medicare to those hooked on drugs, helping them to fight the addiction. Im strongly in favor of legalizing drugs. The recent studies show that were genetically predestined to a certain mode of behavior (Bell Curve), in another word, if individual is inclined to become a drug addict, it will inevitably happen, regardless of his social status and the way he was being brought up. This is not an issue of morality but rather biology.
Obtaining illegal drugs is very expensive, so those with a habit are very likely to resort to any violent means to get money that needed for buying drugs, thus contributing to the increase of drug related crime ratio. If drugs were to be legalized, itd automatically result in reducing crime rate. Its not mere theory it is already being done in Holland, making this country one of the safest in Europe. It is the fact that 50% of youth in countries like USA and Canada have tried smoking marijuana by reaching the age of 15. This clearly shows that Drug Prohibition policy has failed to reach its objectives, just as Alcohol Prohibition failed in America during thirties. Nothing makes drugs as desirable, as governments intent to maintain its status of forbidden fruit. In Holland, where marijuana is legalized, its consumption among young people is the lowest in Europe, as they are not tempted to try drugs, only to prove to their classmates that they are cool, by doing anything illegal. Black people are 10 times more likely to use marijuana, according to recent studies and this leads to racial profiling. Disproportionate number of drug-related arrests among Blacks inevitably leads to racialist speculations, on part of Whites.
That, in its turn, adds to rise of racist sentiment in every society, where Blacks become the primary target for attacks. So, its whether we legalize drugs or just admit to ourselves that racial equality is nothing but a myth. It is a commonly accepted practice, in Western countries, to have Church and State separated. Yet, morality that our social policies are based upon, have its roots in Christianity an outdated religion of senile people. Why do they have the right to impose their views upon those who have the right for not even listening to their nonsense, according to Constitution? On the surface, conservative politicians are in favor of maintaining status quo, because they believe its moral. Yet, many of them have more practical interest in it, as they are being bribed by the organized crime to lobby a continued prohibition of marijuana, so that the its prices never drops.
We live in consumerist society that quite openly proclaims that there is no higher goal for an individual then enriching oneself, as this is only the way to achieve happiness in our materialist world. Children are taught in school to pursue careers that would enable them to make as much money as possible, while applying very little efforts, not even to mention any physical work. So when these kids grow up, many of them simply decide to deal drugs, as it is the simplest way to make a lot of money, within short period of time. Some risk attached to this business, only makes it more attractive. But when some of those people are being arrested, they get to be charged with trying to pursue standard American dream getting rich and happy, just like it portrayed in Hollywood movies. It is unjust to demand from these people being moral; while there is only one morality in Western consumerist societies – money.
Needless to say that, once there is law, on one side, and the huge amounts of money, received from marijuana trafficking, on the other, there is always going to be found a way to bent this law. This inevitably leads to corruption. In 1992 US military were charged with protecting Mexican/American border, in order to reduce the amount of illegal drugs getting to USA. But in fact, amount of drugs that are being trafficked through the border, didnt decrease. This only caused drugs prices to double. One can only speculate now about whom did this benefit, but its quite obvious that the organized crime is capable of reaching all way up to the top. The time came for us to get rid of the entire emotionalism, regarding the issue. This way we can remain logical and this will prevent us from making a mistake again.
The example of how Holland handled the problem has to be thoroughly examined. There is no need to be copycats, when it comes to finding effective measures to fight drug trafficking, we only need to take whatever is best, out of how other countries deal with solving similar problem. Still, there is no question, in my opinion, that marijuana need to be legalized. The sooner it is done the better. There are three arguments against legalizing drugs that moralists and Bible thumpers never get tired of feeding us with: corruption of youth, general evilness of drugs and Jesus being against drugs also. Against this every intelligent person has to apply following contra-arguments: there is no greater corrupting power in the world than Christianity itself (Bible was introduced to Natives first – next came alcohol), general evilness of Christianity (Christians needs to be reminded the history of Inquisition), Jesus was also against burying dead bodies and washing hands, before eating food. In my opinion, there are only two effective ways to prevent the poisoning of our society whether we legalize drugs and just let those whore hooked on it to be able to use it freely (this measure will allow us to get rid of unwanted portion of population sooner, as drug-addicts will simply die out) or we accept Chinese way of dealing with a problem: shoot anyone whos being caught with even few grams of marijuana. The second scenario is not very probable, at this point of time, yet it might become such, if present demographical trend continues in USA.
The only thing that makes everybody think that legalising marijuana will not happen in near future, is the fact that officials still think of it as a drug. We re being a horror stories about the harmful effects of it, while in fact, there is none. I personally believe that it is only chemical based drugs that be having a limited access to. The marijuana is a totally different matter – it is God’s given plant to people, just like oranges or apples. It is absolutely natural way to enhance one’s relaxation. There is no question that it can be abused, but the same goes to alcohol do we ban beer nationwide? Therefore, the first step would be changing the status of marijuana from the illegal drug to prescription medicine.
Than, after the majority of people will accept the fact that marijuana is not evil, will come its public recognition. This will constitute one step further, towards building a civilized and humane society in this country.
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September 2, 1999. The Nation. Com. May 9, 2006. Grinspoon, Lester On Further Consideration. 1994. RxMarijuana. Com.
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May 9, 2006. Stevens, Amanda Legalizing Marijuana Allows Police to Focus on Violent Crimes. 2005. Raw Story Media. May 9, 2006. ng_marijuana_violent_crime_731.htm.