A successful business administrator needs to exercise critical thinking all the time in order to understand the points of view of others and see things from different perspectives, to make wise decisions, to discriminate between what is true and what appears to be true, and to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The importance of listening intently and of paying attention to details that may seem insignificant but could be the key to understanding a particular problem or situation. The advantages of teamwork as experienced through the support of the whole group and Team B. Especially this first week, it has been very comforting to know that I am not the only one feeling anxious and uncertain about this new beginning. In addition, the experiences in business and human resources administration shared by some members of the team provide me with insight that is essential to understanding the concepts that we discussed. I would encourage my management team to provide training on critical thinking to all managers and supervisors in order to assure that the proper analysis is carried out before making decisions that will have impact on the growth and productivity of the company.
All other employees should also receive training on critical thinking and encouragement to develop skills in this area in order to improve their performance and their chances of advancement. In addition, supervisors and managers should receive training on how to listen actively in order to be more effective when dealing with difficult situations. I would also encourage my company to consider using more teamwork in order to take advantage of the knowledge, experiences, and diversity skills of each team member. I think that these concepts are based on common sense and most of us have some vague knowledge about them.
Discussing them this past week helped me to recognize them and to name them, making me very aware of their importance and of making conscious use of them. It also made me realize that I need to learn more about these issues in order to be able to use them more advantageously in my professional and personal lives. My company is in the process of growing in different areas. Other divisions are being added, more employees are being hired, and other offices / branches are being planned. These concepts would be very useful to manage this growth in an organized, structured, collaborative manner. Critical thinking would enable us to make carefully planned decisions and to prevent costly mistakes.
Listening intently to each other would help us to consider each other’s ideas and concerns. And teamwork would be the best way to distribute tasks and responsibilities based on the experiences, knowledge, and skills of the team members.