Evolution is not only improbable but clearly impossible. Extensive evidence against evolution is uncovered with every major scientific discovery. Every evolutionist “fact” can easily be rebuked by creationists. Twelve supposed hominoids have been discovered and presented as supporting evidence to evolution. While in all actuality nine of the twelve supposed hominids are actually extinct species of ape. While the remaining three are completely developed humans.
Neanderthals were once considered pre-humans by evolutionists but recent studies have shown that the Neanderthals are completely developed humans (Homo sapiens) suffering from bone diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency. Many textbooks still display Neanderthals as pre-humans, which, for the sake of scientific accuracy, needs to be corrected. There have been many mistakes and hoaxes involving early humans. The Nebraska man was “discovered” in 1922. It was made famous by Henry Osborn of the American museum of natural history. This tooth was used at the Scopes “monkey” trial in 1925 as irrefutable evidence of the animal ancestry of man. This specimen was so overblown that a “picture” of the Nebraska man and his wife were published in the London daily news, all from a tooth.
When the rest of the skeleton of the beast were found in 1927, it turned out to be noting but an extinct pig. In addition, because of this mishap, evolution has been taught as fact in our public schools. The evolutionists believe that new traits come about by chance, by random changes in genes called “mutations. That may be great for the evolutionists but in the real world, mutations are responsible for genetic defects, including hemophilia, albinism, and certain kinds of cancer and brain malfunction. Neo-Darwinists, commonly called evolutionists, believe that mutations are the raw material of evolution. The intelligent design scientists (not creationists) response in a simple mutations; yes evolution; no.
There are two main challenges to mutational evolution. The first challenge is mathematical. Mutations are very rare, they occur on an average of once in every ten million duplicates of a DNA molecule. Our bodies contain about 100 trillion cells 1014. The real mathematical problem for evolution is when a series of related mutations. The probability for two related changes is one in 1014.
Two mutations are hardly enough to create a truly new structure. The odds of three related mutations are one in 1021. The oceans are not big enough to hold that many molecules. The probability of four related mutations in one in 1028 that is more than the earth can hold. Four mutations are not even close to enough mutations to even make evolution possible. The second and even more serious fact is that mutations “go the wrong way” as far as evolution is concerned. Almost every mutation we know is identified by the disease or abnormality it causes.
Some people like to call mutations “the means of creation.” But mutations do not create; they corrupt both logically and often observationally. The ordered state must come before mutations can corrupt it. It is not that beneficial mutations are impossible, but there have been none observed. The closest we can come is sickle-cell anemia it makes a person immune to some forms of malaria, but it still has a 50% death rate. Physics clearly find evolution impossible. Over the past 150 years, careful measurement by scientists have shown that the magnetic field of the earth decreases by half every 1400 years.
Extrapolating backwards, it is shown that the earth only 10-12,000 years ago would have been a magnetic star, totally incapable of supporting any life – even the most simple. Evolutionists have been searching for the “missing link” which in reality is a false statement; to be missing it first must exist. They had thought that they found it in the Archaeopteryx. This was originally thought of as a transitional form between reptiles and birds. It is now considered by most evolutionists as a true bird. Furthermore, true birds have been found much lower in the fossil record, making them older even than the Archaeopteryx. Evidence points to this being another evolutionary fraud.
The Big Bang Theory has been a controversial issue in the scientific community for many years now. The idea of the big bang goes hand in hand with the theory of evolution, in that all existing things came from other existing objects through a process of changes referred to as evolution. The Big Bang Theory simply states that the universe derived from a super condensed, highly volatile atom of energy that suddenly exploded and created our universe, which has been expanding ever since. However, this explanation for the universe is physically impossible. The universe must have had a creator. The probability of everything in the universe forming the way that it has, so that everything is in working order, is 10-69 (Ross, 381).
Quite impossible for a random event, such as the Big Bang, to create a vast universe in which everything is working properly.
Everything in our solar system is placed perfectly. The Big Bang Theory must not be taught in schools, as it is highly improbable. As I have stated, the Big Bang Theory ties into evolution. Because of this, evolution should not be taught in schools either. The teaching of evolution is immoral. By teaching evolution and not creationism, the student is ignorant in the fact that he/she can not see both sides of the argument. The student is told that evolution is fact (Baker, 3).
Scientists no longer see evolution as a theory, but as a fact (Sir Julian Huxley stated this), and this is past down to the students in school. In history lessons, ape-men are presented as having had as real an existence as the Romans. In the textbook World History: The Human Experience, by Farah Karls et al. Has a whole section devoted to early humans in which it discusses pre-human life, or pre-evolved humans. Do you see religion being forced upon anyone in the school system (besides Catholic schools)? No, you do not. Evolution should not be taught in schools because the evidence backing up the theory is limited.
More evidence is coming out that supports creationism over evolution, as previously mentioned.