Cosmetic Advertisements People believe cosmetic products are the answers to facial perfection. This often happens because cosmetic advertising creates an illusion that cosmetic products are the source to real beauty. People that are trying to fill that void in their lives took towards cosmetic products to fill the void. People follow cosmetic advertisements in learning that one can achieve true beauty using makeup. Cosmetic advertisements teach that the more cosmetic products a person can wear the more beautiful a person will be.
Cosmetic advertisements create an allusion of what real beauty is through lipstick, eyeliners, elongated eyelashes, eye shadows, powder puffs and other cosmetic products. Cosmetic advertisements teach the pursuit of these items will lead to the desired facial appearance that people believe they should have. The truth to this myth is that beauty cannot be determined by the use of cosmetic products because every individual was born beautiful. Still people are naive to the fact that one’s beautiful from birth and they buy what cosmetic advertisements are selling beauty to be.
Cosmetic advertisements aim is to demonstrate that one is not beautiful without the use of cosmetic products. One cause of this myth is because it appears that people are at their happiest when they are wearing new mascara or are modeling the newest eyeliner. Cosmetic Advertisements portray that if people want excitement in life people should wear cosmetics. Cosmetic advertisements broadcast how one looks with makeup on. This is telling the public what people are suppose to look like.
With examples of societies’ expectations of people; if one fulfills societies’ expectations, then one’s life becomes exciting if one wears makeup. Cosmetic advertisements display how one will have face like Barbie. People now want to become Barbie. “The power of advertising is indisputable” ( Leslie Ware xii).
Cosmetic advertisements have become ideal for what beauty is supposed to be. It no longer is that people wanted to embrace ones natural look, but it come to the point where people now wear cosmetics to bed.
People start going out of their way to obtain the necessity to achieve cosmetic beauty; buying expensive makeup, exhaust one’s credit or carrying a cosmetic bag every where one goes. Many people lose understanding of what facial beauty is and make cosmetics their source of beauty. Morals that used to be important in life changed. Generations are losing the value of self appreciation because cosmetic advertising make natural beauty seem pointless to embrace. To enhance one’s beauty a person has to use makeup.
As a result people are losing knowledge on how to embrace one’s self without the use of cosmetics. The impact of cosmetic advertisements changed the way people are looking at themselves in recent generations because cosmetic advertisements broadcasting the need for nonessential items that people desire in order to obtain the perfect look, a desirable appearance, rather than the need for items that are essential for life. Regardless if one has the money or not the common belief is for people to have a flawless look achievable with the use of cosmetic products only.
Nowadays before children can even say their name correctly they are being introduced to cosmetic products. Young teenagers now persuade their parents in allowing them to wear makeup as cosmetic will catapult their ordinary facial appearance to that of a Barbie. Cosmetic gives teenagers adult appearances if applied properly. Cosmetic advertisements aim to convince society that one cannot function properly without the use of cosmetic products; therefore, cosmetic advertisement affect people by showing what a person should look like and one is inferior if does not undergo the cosmetic metamorphosis.
Cosmetic advertisers like Proactiv and Covergirl display compelling messages to sell their cosmetic products. They offer special deals and discounts for more people to purchase their products. These cosmetic advertisements show endless testimonials of their products effectiveness influencing people on the certainty of their bottle beauty. “Advertisements are more than just appeals to buy; they are windows into our psyches and our culture. They reveal our values, our (not-so-hidden) desires, our yearnings for a different lifestyle” (Six Decades of Advertising 537).
Without meaningful standard by which to measure one’s worth, people turns to cosmetic advertisements for affirmation. Cosmetic Advertisements uses makeup as a way of showing what people should look like. Wearing cosmetics show people having flawless faces or immaculate appearances that are perceived to be of utmost importance. Purchasing and wearing these cosmetics are ways of proving to people that one is complete. Cosmetic advertisement send the message that the more cosmetics a person have on the better they are and a way of showing they are more of value than those without.
The more time and the more money people spend on cosmetics or makeup make them higher on the list of facial perfection. Cosmetic advertisements prominently attract the wealthy or the ones with low self esteem. People with low self esteem uses cosmetic products to enhance one’s self esteem to be considered as one with an A-list face. Wealthy people with excess money can obtain unlimited makeup and are on the A-list for facial appearance. The ones who cannot purchase unlimited cosmetics to acquire complete facial perfection haven’t made it and are still on the search for such perfection.
Despite the fact, cosmetic advertisements always trying to attain more people in favor of cosmetic products; therefore, according to these advertisements people who do not wear cosmetics are considered D-list for facial appearance. As such this becomes people’s constant battle for more cosmetic products because the more makeup someone has the better ranked that person is. In actuality having the best cosmetic or most expensive makeup does not make a person better than another or mean that a person is complete. In actuality these cosmetic advertisements have not accomplished anything of value to benefit the world.
Instead they are telling people how unattractive and incomplete they are without the use of makeup. Cosmetic advertising has developed and supported great industries, increased entire economies, and increase the job market. Cosmetic companies such as Proactiv, Maybelline, Clean and Clear, L’oreal and much more, have thousands of employees, vehicles and equipments which contributes to the economic well been. Nevertheless, many people of today’s society are under high stress. They may seem publicly confident but secretly they feel a sense of failure, vulnerability, exhaustion, being overwhelmed, and defeat by society.
Apart of being naturally unattractive is the acceptance that, in fact, our age will catch up to us and one will become old. This cause many people to succumb to a state of total and utter depression. Beauty advertising companies hone into these vulnerable feelings and promote their products as though it is a cure for all physical and emotional ailments of human being. Hair dye, creams and wrinkle minimizing makeup are only the start to how far people will go to appear beautiful or young again. Cosmetic Advertisements also portray women
as sex objects and define what is popular and what is the “perfect look”. “When it comes to cosmetics, advertisements sell very well. Who wouldn’t want skin like Uma Thompson or Queen Latifah as it appears in the plentiful adds of women’s magazines glowing and unlined, without a pimple, crease, or freckle in sight? The desire is even sharper today because women feel younger than their calendar years, and they want to look as good as they feel. ” ( Daniel B. Yarosh 31).
Modern consumer culture has linked sexuality with beauty to the extent that they cannot be separated.
Today, one cannot turn on the television, open a magazine or walk down a public street without being bombarded with images of seductive women or perfectly toned men being used to sell various types of cosmetic products. Why are these images so powerful? These advertising strategies create a desire. How do cosmetic advertisements shape and define the self-concept of both men and women? How does linking beauty with sexuality and desirability influence the way one relates to each advertisement? Finally, Cosmetic Advertisements portray that the void people feel in their lives can be filled through the use of makeup.
People loose what happiness is and let Cosmetic Advertisements sell cosmetic happiness. Cosmetic Advertisements are showing people how they should be spending the money they are making in order to obtain beauty. People who do not wear cosmetics are considered to be the losers and the people who wear cosmetics are considered to be the winners. One’s accomplishment should not be judged by how fancy a person’s makeup is or how much cosmetics one has on but by how much a person contributes towards society.
Cosmetics products are ultimately dominating people’s lifestyle. Works Cited Laurence and Rosen. “Six Decades of Advertising” Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 11th Edition. Ed Laurence and Rosen. Boston: Longman, 2011: 538. Print. pg 538. Academic Research Completed. 08 Aug. 2013. Daniel B. Yarosh. “ Skin” The New Science of Perfect Skin. New York: Broadway book, 2008: 31. Print. Academic Work Completed. 10 Aug. 2013. Leslie Ware. “Introduction” Selling It. New York: Norton, 2002: xii. Print. Academic Work Completed. 11 Aug. 2013.