College education College Education is Essential A college education is necessary in today’s world. Education has been around for thousands of years and college education is one of the most important of them all. College education will prepare one with the understanding to be able to deal in today’s problems, obstacles, and jobs. With the knowledge at the college level one will have more potential to find a better job and with a higher salary. Even though some people think college education is not essential; businesses, organizations, companies,and professionals in today’s world demand it for the competitiveness and problems in today’s economy.Education has been around for thousands of years. What is Education? Education is the knowledge or skills developed by the learning process and instruction. That means education has been here since the early cave men that walk the earth, millions of years ago because they learned how to hunt, gather, and develop a kind of communication.
However, times and environment have changed over the many years. As environment gradually grew into civilization, people started to have many questions about nature, the earth, and life. So, they turned to a higher level of education, back then it was probably religion. Hence, the people relied on priests for answers. While time passed by, people realize that they could now find the answers to their questions from knowledge learned from education. For this reason, a school system was developed to teach the people.
As more questions got complicated the everyday person was then expected to at least have an elementary education, and then a high school education. As the world got more competitive, more businesses arose, cities develop, and more advanced technologies born; a college education was necessary to survive in today’s environment and economy.College education will prepare the individual to be ready in today’s competitive economy. College education will teach a person how to self-solve difficult problems through exercises in physics, mathematics, chemistry, English, history, and even business for example. From those exercises in the fields of study available at a college or university, experience of problem solving skills and analyzing problems is gained towards the individual. In addition, professors and teachers at college level are present to help the individual acquire more knowledge and experience from them to answers important questions they have. All these skills gained from college education are good preparation for the real world’s economy.For example, a man goes out into the world with a college education and learned his analyzing skills with deep understanding of concepts, and a man who goes out into the world with only a high school education and maybe learned that college education is a waste of time and his own knowledge is good enough.
The high school graduated probably has just the basic concepts learn from high school classes. When both of these men stumbled across real life situations like deciding on what type of job to look for in the working industry, which involve making decisions that will be there lives. Of course, the high school graduate will search for laboring jobs and maybe some simple office work because these kinds of jobs don’t require a high profile. The college graduate would search for jobs that require higher profiles like management, engineering, analysis, and consulting because he satisfies the knowledge to be the instructor or manager from the experience and understanding he gained from college. Another example is when a person with college education is confronted with a problem in his job. He has to repair an automobile that has been in a crash and get it to drive again. Without the deep knowledge he gained from his mechanical engineering courses in college he wouldn’t be able to fix the car.
So college education is an important essential in everyday life. In order to be able to analyze and solve difficult problems in the real world you must have a deeper understanding given in college education.With a higher education from college a person has a better potential in getting a better job with a higher salary. Today’s businesses, companies, and organizations have higher standards for recruiting employees to work for their goals and concerns. Businesses and companies prefer and require a college education because it is a reliable reference that the person they are hiring is capable of solving company problems and achieve business goals. For example, Microsoft is hiring a computer programmer, which has a very high salary and a truck deliverer to transport the products to retailers with a low salary. The college graduate and high school graduate applies.
Certainly, Microsoft then selects the college graduate to be the computer programmer and the high school grad to be the deliveryman. Microsoft decides this because the college grad has the qualifications and deep knowledge of computers from college, where as the high school grad doesn’t. Another example, the same two men apply for a managing position at McDonalds. The college grad acquired analyzing skill, group interactions, and a deeper knowledge management from college. The high school grad learned some basic group work in higher school and algebra. Definitely McDonalds will choose the college grad to gain the position because they are much more confidence about his ability to manage the restaurant.
Therefore, with college education there is a higher potential for opportunities in applying for higher profile jobs with better salary.In spite of all this, there are some people who think that it is a waste of time to go to college and get a higher education. They think that there knowledge from high school or junior high is well good to be enough to survive in today’s world. They believe that they will have an earlier start being successful in life. But when they start searching for jobs that have good pay, they realize that they are not qualified. They read the requirements of the company recruiting employees and see that a college at least a college education is needed to do the job because has the fundamentals and deep knowledge needed work at the company. A person with college education and gained analyzing skills and deep knowledge field of studies, not only the person will be qualified and prepared for the job advertised from that company; but will also have potential to excel faster and have high salaries. College education is a very important central in everyday life. It plants the fundamentals for confronting problems and obstacles found in part of life, and being able to solve them with ease and accuracy.
It gives a wide opportunity and potential in apply for higher profile jobs with good pay. It gives a person confidence in understanding life and the environment. A person with a college education will be successful in life because he understands it and knows it..