The start of the cold war was due to many aspects that were present during this time period. Because of these aspects it is difficult to say one specific issue was responsible for the start of the Cold war. To say which one of these aspects played the major part in starting the cold war perhaps we should think of what could have prevented the cold war. As the World War II came to an end the three big powers led by Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin met in Yalta to compromise on a treaty.
The Yalta treaty was mainly the re-establishment of the nations who were concord and destroyed by the Germans. These nations wold have elections and choose this desired leaders creating more democratic nations. It turned Berlin and eastern half of Germany to Stalin and lastly Stalin agreed to join the war against Japan in two-three months after Germany has surrendered and war in Europ was terminated. However this was all to change once Rosevelt and the rest of the politicians left. Rosevelt had failed to realise that Stalin wanted revenge and was going to create a buffer around its land to protect future invasions by Germany, this being the second consecutive attack by them. Americans had been a tacked only once by Japan and therefor were fighting a war without feeling the war.
Roosevelt however did not do to stop Stalin because he felt that he would loose a powerful a lie. This allowed the Russians to expend and become more powerful. They now were powerful enough to compete with the United States. When the nuclear bombs were dropped on Her oshima it short end the time expected for the war and russia was The cold war was a struggle between conflicting ideas and values. In the west, the concepts of a market economy and a multi-party democracy were cherished as necessity.
In the east, single party statism and a command administrative economy were highly valued. The obvious conflict of ideas and obstinate nature of those who defended them were the driving force behind cold war. The time that the Cold war began was after the WWII. February of 1945, Germany defeat was certain.
The Russian army of 12 million soldiers were ordered to hold their position after they had completely occupied Poland. As the western allied army of 4 million men was still advancing westwards. On February 3 rd, the three Big powers headed by Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin met in Lavinia Palace to determine how the war should be finished. In the treaty of Yalta the re-establishment of the conquer d and destroyed nations by Germany was discussed.
And The western nations felt it necessary that the newly freed nations of Europe should be r established with a democracy and capitalist economy. Their reasoning was that the democratic system was more civilised and less violent than the nationalist m of the preceding generations. These feelings however were not mutual with that of russias autocratic leader Josef Stalin. He felt that it had the right and had the need of those country’s it occupied in World War II. After two consecutive wars where they were invaded by the Germans, the USSR felt it necessary to create buffer states to protect the borders of the fatherland. The communist regimes in place enabled Russia to control the Eastern Europe, which provided protection to Russia..