Argue a case for or against Clone is the title given to any organisms that are genetically identical. Cloning can be classified as a form of genetic engineering including AID (Artificial Insemination Donor) and AIH (Artificial Insemination Husband) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation).
AID is the injecting of the semen of a male donor into the womans womb and AIH is the same with the difference that the semen is of the husband These forms of artificial conception have been questioned especially within religions as they can be seen as unnatural and an attempt to meddle with nature. The two methods of cloning are reproductive and therapeutic. Whilst reproductive cloning leads to the creation of a human life and is intended to be made specifically illegal by the government, therapeutic cloning is the creation of embryos with the intent of destroying them once their purpose, i.e. to be experimented on, has been fulfilled.
At present, parliament has allowed scientists to clone for research which is potentially lethal as well as immoral as the embryo has only one purpose of its life- to be experimented on and then necessarily eradicated. Human cloning, i.e. reproductive cloning places the creation of new life in other hands than those of God. It usurps Gods role as the Almighty Creator. Cloning gives humans control over human fertility and therefore a possible utopia for those in future generations and while it sounds appealing and constructive in the present, it may not be the best idea when it the apparent utopia comes into action; it would create vast boundaries between what used to be individual families but instead turns into individual utopias into what can only be interpreted as a competition for the best utopia. However it is not mans job to create its own world, mans job is simply to live in the world created by God for us. Life is said to be a sacred gift from conception; the embryo has personhood from the point of conception.
Once cloning is successful there will be no distinction between it and any other embryo. Each person has their own unique genetic signature which gives them their identity; with cloning no person can be unique. In a sense, death will no longer mean anything because if one identity is lost, there will still be another copy. People will be replaceable-no one will die. Although eternal death may seem appealing, it is the hardships of everyday life that builds us as individuals. It is part of life that people learn to accept with the view that we will be reborn.
God created human relationships with the purpose of a man and woman uniting in marriage with the intent of producing the next generation together. God told Adam and Eve Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1:28.) With cloning, the material comes from only one parent; it undermines Gods intended order for reproduction enormously. Cloning does not require two partners in the creation, a woman can use her DNA to create her child to look exactly like her. And although she may wish for the child to be exactly like her, it is not always possible because the womans personality depends largely upon her upbringing, which would be very hard to imitate resulting in a child with the identical DNA as her mother therefore alike in looks as well but their traits of their character may vary immensely. Genetic Engineering is man challenging Gods will, meaning if His will means that a couple will be unable to conceive, then His will should not be interfered with.
Although modern technology allows man to create life from cells, it has not yet been able to form life from the beginning without the advantage of the pre-formed life in cells. Some may see this as Gods way of ensuring that He is the one and only creator and He has formed unseen and unsaid restrictions preventing man from discovering means of playing God. Many hold the belief that if life is seen as a blessing and a gift that everyone should have the chance to experience then in that case genetic engineering should and would be welcomed- not only by God. If a couple has a chance to provide a loving, caring and stable environment for a child then they should take the chance, which has been offered to them. The key question that arises in most peoples minds is: why is modern technology able to artificially make someone conceive when it also advocates the death or destruction of potential lives, i.e. abortion? How can genetic engineering be justified in a world where thousands of babies are being terminated every year and there are thousands more who await a loving family but otherwise spend their time in a childrens home orphaned? The most persuasive argument from a scientific perspective for the ban on cloning at present is that the risks are far too great.
Human cloning is feared to be cruel as the process may result in a large number of miscarriages and deformities before a successful clone is created. Even then, ongoing good health cannot be guaranteed for the child. Of the many safety concerns, the most important is regarding the use of stem cells from embryos created by CNR (fusing the nucleus of a cell of one person with the egg of another person) as this method has proven to show clones have abnormalities. What can be achieved by cloning? The negative seem to outweigh the positive. For example, cloning would mean that many evil personalities of the past could be recreated for selfish purposes and that these people could in a sense live forever because cloning enables an organism to be created genetically identical to an existing or even dead organism. The only positive seems to be selective breeding-if used for the right reasons. However it could mean certain intelligent figures can be bred together to produce geniuses however this can also be seen in an destructive way as it will create a society of masterminds which will create a division between the masterminds and the unintellectuals.
This would most likely lead to a breakdown in society and the continuing recreation of masterminds until man can no longer exceed himself and has therefore been defeated by himself, which leads to the ethical argument regarding fears that human cloning will lead to designer babies with selected genetic traits from their parents or a possible black market for embryos. Selective breeding can also be interpreted as prejudiced against what society sees as abnormal according to its stereotypes. This means that by selecting the ideal traits when designing a clone, all the undesirable characteristics will be avoided. However this leads to the argument that why should only slim, beautiful, intelligent humans be given the chance to live? From experience, I believe that prejudices in a society help us to grow into better people as well as into a stronger community. Without the injustices in society, how can people learn from mistakes, surely in that case there would only be jealousy and competition as to who has the better figure, or whose child has the better job. In this sort of society, there would be no love and without love, there would only be bitter people with no purpose to their life as they have no love within themselves to commit to another person or to a profession that could benefit others. In conclusion I believe, children are a gift produced by two people as a symbol of their love which they wish to share by expanding their family.
Cloning is not always with the best intentions, the reasons can be very selfish and in those cases, how can another being be brought into the world not out of love but in an attempt to increase popularity with a potentially perfect being. Marriage and reproduction are a symbol of two peoples love for each other: what is cloning symbolic of?.