I. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (list your jobs from most to least recent) If you have NO work experience simply enter NONE under Employer 1 and remove the others. Begin with your most recent experience and work backward (reverse chronological order).
Name/Location of Employer 1:NONE
Beginning with Centennial College (your most recent educational experience), work backward to list the schools you’ve attended, their locations, when you attended, and the credits, certificates, and degrees you earned: Name/Location of School 1: Centennial College
941 Progress Ave., Toronto, ON, M1G 3T8
Dates Attended:
September 1, 2010
Additional Training you have completed: (indicate name of institution, dates, degrees or certificates earned) NONE
Professional Licenses you currently possess: (indicate certifications and licenses you’ve earned) NONE
If you have NO volunteer experiences then enter NONE under Organization 1 and remove the others Name of Organization 1:
The following codes, given to me by my career counsellor, or other career development professional, are the results of any interest inventories, personality type indicators, or other self assessment tools we’ve used.
Self Assessment Tool Used: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Type: ISFP
Self Assessment Tool Used: Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Temperament: Artisan
My Work Preferences & Values: Social, innovative, methodical
The following were indicated as occupations which might be suitable based on the results of my self-assessments and work preferences/values: Fashion Designer, Artist, Social Worker, Phycologist, Teacher
After exploring the occupations suggested by my self-assessment, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’d like to become a: Fashion Designer
VI. SHORT TERM CAREER PLAN (one month to one year) (5 marks) SHORT TERM OCCUPATIONAL GOALS: Within the next year this is what I’d like to accomplish as far as my career goal is concerned: I will finish my business program in Centennial College and prepare to transfer to University.
SHORT TERM EDUCATION/TRAINING GOALS: This is what I’d like to have completed as far as education and training is concerned, i.e. taking a six month course, applying to graduate school: My short term education goals is complete my business program in Centennial College and continue my study in University. Locate your Centennial College program model route (outline listing all courses within program) at the Centennial College website. Copy/Paste this program outline here. Does this program prepare you for a career in your chosen field? Where do graduates from this program find employment?
Semester 1 Courses
Course Code
Course Title
Strategies for Business Success
Progress Campus
Fundamentals of Business
Progress Campus
College Communications 1
Progress Campus
Microcomputer Applications Software 1
Progress Campus
Mathematics of Finance
Progress Campus
Semester 2 Courses
Course Code
Course Title
Financial Accounting 1
Progress Campus
Business Operations
Progress Campus
College Communications 2
Progress Campus
Microcomputer Applications Software 2
Progress Campus
Global Citizenship: From Social Analysis to Social Action
Progress Campus
Semester 3 Courses
Course Code
Course Title
Career Exploration
Progress Campus
Business Communications
Progress Campus
General Education Elective
Progress Campus
Human Resource Management
Progress Campus
International Business Concepts
Progress Campus
Principles of Marketing
Progress Campus
Semester 4 Courses
Course Code
Course Title
Organizational Behaviour
Progress Campus
Career Action
Progress Campus
Economics for Business & Management
Progress Campus
General Education Elective
Progress Campus
Management Principles
Progress Campus
Progress Campus
This program prepare me for a career in my chosen field because design industries relate to business, so it is really helpful for my future career. The graduates from this program find employment in the broad areas of business as preparation for a variety of entry level jobs across all industries.
VII. LONG TERM CAREER PLAN (one year to five years) (5 marks) LONG TERM OCCUPATIONAL GOALS: Within the next five (or so) years this is what I’d like to accomplish as far as my career is concerned: Within the next five years, I’d like to accomplish my business study in university and then study fashion design.
LONG TERM EDUCATION/TRAINING GOALS: Within the next five years this is the education/training I want to have completed, i.e. complete college or graduate school; become certified in my chosen field. Business Economics program in York University is the education I want to complete within the next five years. What future education or training would you need (life-long learning) to be appropriately qualified for the higher-level position in your Career Goal field?
University – upgrade business study in university (master degree) – fashion design program in Ryerson University
Include a copy of a program model route and/or course description from any institution (university, private training center, college, etc.) where you
might attain further training/studies in your field. Business Economics combines economic theories with the field of business administration. This field of study is concerned with the study and consequences of scarcity. Individuals, households, businesses and nations all experience some level of scarcity in that they do not possess all the resources to satisfy all their wants and needs. Decisions have to be made to balance those scarce resources in order to improve what can be achieved with them. The Business Economics program is concerned with how these decisions are made, with how the resources of a nation or business are allocated and utilized in the production of goods and services, and how the rewards of these activities are distributed.
You will become acquainted with all the activities which illustrate the practical nature of the subject, such as commercial reports, articles in newspapers and periodicals and examples from daily life. This program integrates aspects of economics and business studies, focusing on the use of economic analysis and statistical methods to deal effectively with management problems in practical business fields. By applying economic theory to business management, you will become familiar with the analytical and decision-making techniques used in the business world and with the public and private institutional environments within which businesses operate. A Business Economics degree will help you pursue a rewarding career in business, government and the professions, or graduate studies in business management or economics.
FINANCE: How would you finance your future education and how would you pay off your student debt? Give 2 specific resources, other than your parents and family, where you might obtain extra funds (legally) to pay for your education. Scholarships (which ones), loans (from where/how much/what collateral), grants (from where), work (full-time/part-time/where/when), etc.—which ones? Where? How? (2 marks) After finish study in Centennial College, I might get a part time job in the bank to pay off my student debt, and I prepare to start a online business recently.
PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: List THREE possible certifications, associations, organizations, clubs, magazines, and other resources you could connect with in your chosen career field. Career Cruising may offer some
suggestions. (3 marks) Internet Centre for Canadian Fashion and Design (ICCF&D)
Canadian Apparel Federation (CAF)
LG Fashion Week
VIII. OVERCOMING BARRIERS & GAPS TO MEETING YOUR CAREER GOALS You may have identified some gaps as you completed the above sections. (3 marks) Here’s the barriers and gaps that may make it difficult for me to reach my goals, i.e. finances, internal road blocks, young children, elderly parents, a disability, age, criminal convictions, location, mobility, health issues, course grades, or other:
Age might be a problem that may make it difficult for me to reach my goals, after I finish designer study I might turn into 30 years old.
Here’s how I’ll deal with these barriers and gaps so I can reach my goals: I will take courses during summer, fall , winter and spring, as fast as I can to finish my study in a short time.